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A corner Day another Drama

mommy in need's picture

I really an shocked to see how far a woman would go to seek attention from others. My DH crazy ex has opted to undergo the most difficult surgery to fix a back issue that could be resolved by yoga or plain stretching. All for attention and let's not forget the most important reason to get the summer off. So then when there is complications due to the fact that she is non- compliant with the MD's orders and also doesn't revile in PAT the she has a hematology problem she is right back in the Hospital two weeks post-op. LOL

so now we have boyfriend number 12.... Yes twelve's his father complaining that this poor girl the ex-wife is now stuck in the hospital with no attention... Ummmm you are in a hospital. So she is calling everyone possible starring the pot. As if it is our duty to entertainer her. Then she starts telling everyone she has cancer.. Really Cancer... Let me just tell everyone....YOU DONT LIE ABOUT CANCER...

So now Boyfriend #12 is watch the crazy 13 year old twins. Who are awful and the crazy ex-wife is complaining to my husband who she has been divorced from from over 10 years that he doesn't care about her because he did not come to the hospital... WTF...

So now the non-compliant fake Cancer patient is supposedly sitting in the ICU making cell phone calls from her ICU bed... That's right folks cell phone calls in her ICU bed.. Saying the the twins are neglected, no food, no attention etc. So really on summer break they have bounced between their home and sleep overs with their friends, they have made every ball practice, every tournament, we have showed to 99% of all the games. How much more can you expect. Plus paid for everything they have needed, and more.

So here we are getting ready to go on vacation and who knows if my DH and I can go because of the girls. Oh did I mention that the Ex's parents live 5 min away and are retired, and she has three siblings who are adults, married and do not have children of their own and boyfriend #12 has siblings and retired parents. Here is the cake topper. The week after we are to return the Boyfriend #12, the ex-wife and the kids will be going to Myrtle Beach. So to sum it up we may have to ditch our plans and play chauffeur but she won't. We save for over two years to go on a nonrefundable trip. This is crap... KRAZY is all that I deal with. You should never fake things just to get attention.


oneoffour's picture

Ew! She sounds awful.
Go on your vacation. Just go. The kids will be fine. Just tell them the neat gifts you will bring them back. Truly, they will not care.

As for the ex wife... DH should just tell her she isn't in a coma and has not received the Last Rites so he will be in touch when he gets back. As long as their plans are not cancelled you need to take your trip.

SharkHugs's picture

Our BM has "survived" many different types of "cancer". About once or twice a year in fact since DH and I got married 5 years ago. She gets SS19 in a panic every couple months about her health. Really, there is nothing wrong with her except that she weighs 450 lbs because she refuses to get her ass off the couch and is on the laptop while watching Food Network all day. This is also the woman who took a cooking course at a community college and is now a "chef". She constantly posts vegan recipes on Facebook and freaks out about MSGs and shit.... yet will scarf down an entire bag of oreos and a liter of Mtn. Dew in about 5 minutes.

Anyways, SS19 gets his panties all up in a wad and is all up on FB asking for "prayer" for his mom since he's one of those PTGA kids. (Pray The Gay Away)