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Hate or just really dislike??!!

Step-monster89's picture

My DH and I have been together for about 6.5 years now. My SD was 3 when we got together and is now 9. She wasn't ever hateful or a liar until we got custody of her in '09. I need some major help. She will yell and scram at the top of her lungs at me and my DH does nothing about it. I am getting ready to go into the USAF and frankly, I believe in the back of my mind i am partly doing it to get away from her. She will fall and say i pushed her, scratch her self and say i did it. and then she will go and bitch to her piece of crap BM. FYI: we got custody because BM moved out of state, took SD and moved in with a registered sex offender. but she gets her every other week end. I am at my end. I hate being talked to like this by a child, who isnt even mine. and i hate her making my husband talk to me like is. Oh his famous words are " Just dont even talk to MY kid."


oneoffour's picture

I would let loose ... "How DARE you speak to me like that!" And then I would say the same thing to the child. Blum 3

Your DH allows this to happen. So I would think long and hard about where you are going after basic. If my DH allowed his kids to scream at me and accuse me if abuse I would be long gone. HIS kid? I bet HIS kid will be added to your Tricare insurance. I bet HIS kid will reap the results of your military service.

Just do not allow yourself to be alone with her. Never watch her. She could destroy your career with a few well chosen words.

IslandGal's picture

Your husband is an absolute PRICK! He should be single and raise her his own goddamn self. Save yourself and get the hell out of there - no WAY should you let him talk to you that way. As she gets older, she will only get worse - that is 100% guaranteed 'cos of how he parents her now.

Seriously - save yourself and get out. Let him deal with the monster he's raising.