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Ex wife bugging our house

Summergirl0617's picture

My husband has a beyond crazy ex wife... we have been having non stop issues for the past 5/6 years.. he has 2 kids.. 7 and 9.. and unfortunately they have been in the middle of this insanity all along...when they were married.. they went through 4 different marriage counselors.. every time his ex wife heard something she did not like.. or the counselor saw through her bullshit.. she did not want to go back and was on to the next one... one counselor told my husband.. she has a severe narcissist and sociopath and to get out of the marriage asap before it goes from bad to worse.. the past few years.. they have been in and out of court.. she tried to get full custody twice.. has sent cps here.. has made false police reports on us.. ect.. kids know she's crazy.. but she's still their mother so yeah.. they have been husband and her have 50/50 custody.. and kids always say they want to live here and visit mommy.... like the marriage counselor... the kids have been through 3 different child psychologists this year..every time the kids would start opening up to one.. she would pull them out.. and call the psychologist saying they don't have permission to talk to the children anymore.. and a few months later would go to the next one... my husband and I always joked around saying she has to have this house bugged.. (the house my husband has now.. is the one they lived together in but it was his before marriage so he kept the house and she moved out.... we always joked saying that.. because she always seemed to find out everything.. and know conversations we had.. and there were just a lot of weird things. We talked about getting the kids a rabbit.. literally the next day picking up the kids.. they said guess what mommy got us a rabbit.. she has shown up places we were out.. again a lot of consciences.. but we always thought the kids went back and told her things or whatever.. Well the kids have been going to a new counselor since march.. my husband called and made an appointment with one and did not tell her bc kids did not want her to know.. and again consciendently the next day he gets an email saying she made an appointment with kids for a counselor and the appointment was before his so he ended up canceling the one he made and taking them to hers...and his ex wife was very demanding and insistent that it would be a group session her the kids and my husband saying she wants to know everything that is said.. and there is no secrets and I guess put fear in the kids so they don't make her look bad.. well the kids did not go for that and have been going in on their own talking to the counselor without my husband and ex wife there... the first few sessions they totally opened up to her.. basically exposing their mother to her.. telling her such horrible things she does and says to them.. for example.. she calls the daughter and effin bitch.. and other disgusting names.. so kids came home last Wednesday.. and was saying how when they went to my husbands ex wife sisters house.. her daughter who is 14 years old.. was showing them porn movies.. and other disturbing things.. so he made an appointment with therapist that night while kids were at religion and soccer and went there and talked to her.. he left and came home and immediately dropped kids home at their mothers.. so there was no discussion with them even in the other room that he went. When he got back.. we spoke about what was said and what him and the counselor talked about.. and the next night was their group session with the ex wife and kids... That night before she got there. The kids did not want to talk and his son said.. daddy I don't want to go there anymore.. mommy knew everything I said to this lady and we got in trouble and my husband said that is impossible she's not allowed to tell mommy.. and he said daddy I swear mommy brought up things I talked about with the how would she know?? well kids went in each alone for a minute and came right back out and his ex wife ran in after his daughter came home.. and was in there for a while and came out grabbed the kids and said we are leaving. When he went into the room the counselor said take off your jacket and let me see your phone she took apart his phone and said you have to be bugged.. I do not know how.. but your ex wife knew every topic and every detail you and I talked about last night.. and she did not even tried to hide that she knew.. she said I feel the kids need to be away from her.. she's unstable and she feels she needs to start intervening... the next day my husband got an email from his ex wife saying the kids are no longer allowed to see this counselor... and cancelled all appointments for this month.. well he made his own appointment and took them today.. and went in with the kids.. and the kids would not even look at the counselor when she spoke.. and the counselor said did mommy tell you not to speak to me and they said they weren't sure.. and she said to my husband alone.. the kids were obviously coached and were told not to talk.. this is a serious problem.... my husband is going to hire someone to sweep the house and look for a bug. Was just curious if anyone else had this happen and if so what was the outcome as far as the kids being coached.. where can we go from there? do we go through the courts and explain everything and this counselor can speak on our behalf.. she said so herself.. his ex wife is crazy.. there are a lot of issues.. and said the kids are so messed up from her.. the only way to save them is to have them come to her every week.