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Off topic - puts everything in perspective

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I learned this morning that my uncle decided to take his own life. He left me aunt with no explanation just passwords to the accounts and how to draw his life insurance. He left behind 2 boys for my aunt to raise on his own; 14 and 16.

This hit me very hard, my uncle reminds me so much of my husband. He was very rational, had a high power/high paying job, family orientated. He always wanted better for his family.

Today I wouldn't let my husband leave my side. I realize that all the pity stuff that we bicker about is not worth an end result like that. So tonight I will hold my husband very tight and not let go. I could never imagin life without him.


StarStuff's picture

That's awful. My dad killed himself in 2007, no note either. Unfortunately, your uncle's life insurance probably won't pay...most don't in cases of suicide.

Midwest Stepmom's picture

This is where my uncle was smart. He bought his life insurance policy many years ago when the boys were little. He bought a policy with a 2 year suicide clause. "Can't commit suicide within the first 2 years". I'm sure the company will still try to fight it, wouldn't be an insurance company if they didn't.