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Mr. wonderful

beaglegal's picture

My ss28 came to our house broke, no vehicle, homeless, dragging along his flavor of the month. He needed our help because he blew all his disability check (drugs i believe). So daddy welcomes them with open arms. This meant they slepttill 2:00 p.m. then rode our four wheeler the rest of the day.i found them an apartment to live in (they weren't looking) i triedto help them with a budget but ss insist he has no problem with budget. H.i talked to ss gf, but she kept interrupting me till i told her to let me finish before butting in. She said no one fkg talks to her like that and she stormed out slamming the door. I told her not to come back. When i went into their bathroom ther was about 30 pd.s of rocks they had been collecting on my sink!!! Plus my sheets were gone. Dad wont say anything to them about it and i totally want to kill him.


Jmom's picture

Sounds just like my ex husband. . . .only difference he's 43. It will never end until she locks the door and gets on with living with DH.