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Feeling crappy about the weekend

morethanibargainedfor's picture

Our weekend with SD13 started out not too bad. She went to a dance on Friday night and SO took me out for a way too expensive romantic dinner. We really needed it after all the stuff that's been going on in the past few weeks. He's still away for work during the week, but is closer this time so he comes home Wednesdays. We got into a huge fight last week and he pretty much said we were breaking up. We talked and worked through things (for once) and now all is good.

Saturday and Sunday were not the greatest with SD. I snapped at her a couple times and I am now feeling guilty about it.
She's just so in your face all the time. She refuses to go to bed until SO and I go to bed, or me at least. We were up till midnight watching movies and it was time for bed and she would go upstairs until I did. SO told her to go to bed and she said "I'm waiting for you guys to go up so I can walk up with you". Up until recently, SO and I didn't sleep in the same room when SD is at our house. I think she's figured out that we now sleep in the same bed and I think she was waiting to see if he would come into our room. She's so creepy like that. I went upstairs to brush my teeth and she barges in the bathroom demanding that I get her a toothbrush. Here's how the convo went..

SD: I need a toothbrush
ME: Wheres yours?
SD: I forgot it
ME: Ok. We are going to give you a list to keep in your bag of things you need to bring to our house
SD: Um no. I don't think so. I'm not 4 years old.
Me: Don't act like it then
SD: Whatever. Just get me dads toothbrush
Me: Go ask your dad for his toothbrush. I'm not your slave.

Then she huffs and walks away

Sunday was a terrible day. I had enough of her and her attitude and sick of her sitting around doing nothing all weekend. SO and I spent the weekend cleaning up outside, cleaning the cars, and I cleaned the house, did laundry, cooked etc. She woke up at noon, lazed on the couch watching movies and making a mess. I walked by her room and it was an absolute disgusting mess. I said "Can you please go upstairs and clean your room. Its a disaster". Her response? "Well not if you ask me like that!".
I ignored it and went upstairs to put laundry away and she came up and went into her room and closed the door. She was in there for about 15 mins so I assumed she was cleaning her room. I walked by again when she went back downstairs and it was still a mess! I lost it. I said "didn't I just ask you to clean your room?". She says "Well you need to ask me nicer". Are you fucking kidding me??? I lost it. I yelled and said "I am DONE! enough with the attitude. You might be able to talk to your mother like that but you will NOT talk to me like that. Go clean your room!".

So was outside working on the car and apparently I was loud enough that he heard me lol

The rest of the day she was a complete brat and SO had to give her shit a couple times about whatever.

I guess she went home and told BM because as soon as she gets home SO's phone blows up with texts from BM saying she's never coming to our house again, and we are miserable and unhealthy for SD to be around. GOOD! Don't let her come over anymore! I don't give a shit! I'd rather not have the stress! BM lives in friggin dreamland where her and SD and best friends and SD can do no wrong. So annoying!

It's funny because she never gives me attitude when SO is around. If he's in the room she's nice as pie. Good thing he sees through her bullshit....


tabby yabba do's picture

"Can you please go upstairs and clean your room. Its a disaster". Her response? "Well not if you ask me like that!".


Just speculating here, but if those words came out of my SDs mouth, I'd be out of jail before she got out of the hospital.

JustAgirl42's picture

"She refuses to go to bed until SO and I go to bed,"

Why isn't she MADE to go to bed, and MADE to clean her room by her dad? Is this a Disney Dad who is afraid to make her do things?

It sounds like he is away a lot and that you are put in the parenting role, but you'd think he would at least take charge while he is there.

morethanibargainedfor's picture

No he's not a Disney dad at all. He's very hard on her and very strict. But he's lazy about it and not consistent.
I don't think he realizes that she is waiting for me to go to bed.
She is made to clean her room, and its usually always him that gets her to do it, but this particular time he was outside working on the car and I so I asked her because it was easier than going outside and getting him to tell her to do it.

He is away a lot, but she's never at our house unless he is there. He does pretty much all the parenting. The only time I step in is when it comes to her cleaning up after herself or the way she talks to me. Anything that doesn't effect me or the house directly is left to him.