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Report cards

rebster35's picture

I cannot help myself. I am really trying to detach....REALLY. But we all know that 3rd quarter just ended. I am pouring over the reports with my bio kids. Husband has not even cracked open the backpack of the skids because he knows the grades will stink. I need to stay out of it!!

Goddytron's picture

As long as they aren't influencing your kids, I say fuck em in regards to their school performance. You can only do so much. I'm about to leave my girl friend because her daughters smoking weed at age 12 and goes to an alternative school. All kids have problems but your child will resent you if you steer them down the wrong path.

ncgal1980's picture

I never even get near my skids' backpacks, and certainly don't look at their report cards. DH and BM can handle that. I have two kids of my own that I need to keep up with, but even if I didn't, my skids' academic performance has NOTHING to do with me. If their parents don't care, then neither will I.

Thankfully, DH is pretty much on top of all that stuff for his kids, so it's not an issue for me. BM doesn't give a rat's ass about it, but at least DH does.