New Member.....No Win Situation Again
I'm new to this site and am so thankful to have found a place where I can honestly express myself without worrying about the "evil stepmother" label!!
My 20yo SS has been in trouble with drugs (heroin, pills, etc) for the past 6 yrs. He is currently in his 5th rehab program (will be released 3/18), was in jail for stealing prescription narcotics from his bm before that, has od'd several times ending up in the hospital, has totaled 2 cars (which we provided), has stolen from us, lied to us, has put us thousands of dollars in debt (DUI, legal fees, court costs, unpaid bills, etc.)and has lived here numerous times. During his times in our house he was a complete slob, smoking in our home, brought drug paraphernalia into the home and just generally ruining what little peace we had. He moved out of state to be near his bm last August & we haven't seen him since.
My husband (can't call him DH at this point) is insisting that when he is released from rehab he come to stay here again until a place opens up in a sober living/transitional facility. He tells me it's his "last chance to save his son". I am literally sick to my stomach at the thought of bringing him back into my now peaceful home to cause problems once again. Husband & I have two sons together....9yo and 11yo. My biggest concern is the type of influence he will have on them, and the arguments/chaos I know they will witness between him & my husband.
I am a stay at home mom and financially (thanks to SS) am in no position to leave the house with the boys, nor can we afford to rent some place for SS (and possibly husband) to move. BM refuses to take him back....he has burned all bridges with other family members too.
I'm just at my wit's end with this situation. My husband thinks he can save this kid and is so blinded by the guilt of him having an absent bm (she was out of his life for years b/c of her own drug addiction)that he's willing to jeopardize our family and has no regard to the damage he's doing to the rest of us.
I'm just at a loss, and am feeling completely helpless at this point. I just need to hear some words of encouragement and affirmation that I'm NOT a horrible person who "refuses to try and help his kid". I'm just trying to protect my young boys and what's left of my sanity! Thanks all for listening!!
I can say 100% that if I was
I can say 100% that if I was in this situation I would say no to him living with you.
BUT.....put the shoe on the other foot. In 9 years if your son was in the same position would you want to do anything you could if you thought it would help him? Would you want your DH to support you in whatever decision you make.
I understand where youre coming from, but he just wants to desperately save his son. Even if he cant save him. He wants to try. And he wants someone to support him.
I'm not saying you should let him stay with you by any means. I'm just playing devils advocate here and trying to understand how your husband feels.
The day Druggie would be
The day Druggie would be moving back into my house would be the day HELL FREEZES OVER, especially with 2 young kids in the house.
Absolutely NOT. Why doesn't hubby and druggie get an apartment together? That way, Hubby can continue to enable him, while Druggie continues to take advantage of his guilt ridden dad.
Dysfunction goes around and around. Time to jump off that train. 5th rehab ? Sorry son, you are on your own !
Wow. I was actually your SS.
Wow. I was actually your SS. I had the drug problem. And my father always tried to save me. And my step mom despised me being there and hated all the chaos I caused. Now that I have my own SD it's hard to believe how she put up with that for so long. . 3 years or so from someone who isn't even her own child. I got a say that if it wasn't for my dad and my step Mom allowing me to go back everytine I would be dead today. No doubt. They saved me and gave me a safe haven if it wasn't for them I would of been on the street. I also went to 3 rehabs only to go back hone and fail. My step mother always let me back though. I think cuz my dad insisted. Today I am sober and I thank my step mom for what she did for me. It put her at a lot of stress and chaos and sadness just to deal with me there but she did it. Probably because she loves me dad. Regardkessb to why I am thankful. I would say that if your SO wants to help ur SS you should maybe stand by him but set strict rules. And the number one is that if he cones home high or if there is paraphernalia found in the hone he is out that day. He has one more chance to do right and see if he takes that and runs with it. If he falls back into the same old trip u will have to think of step two but try to think positive. Ur SS doesn't want to be like this if he has gone to rehabs like that. He knows he needs to change. It's harder than anyone can imagine to get off heroin.
good luck . To u and SS
How many times has DH said
How many times has DH said that this was the "last chance" to save his son?
Hell NO! Your kids are put in danger if he decides to go back on drugs. Not only can someone come after him, but if your kids see "candy," (ie drugs) they could overdose.
Your DH is enabling this behavior and unless SS hits bottom, he will never get why he needs to be sober. Hitting bottom may be that he will be homeless and go hungry for a few days, but you can not keeping taking him in. He knows that after a 6th, 7th, 8th time he can beg for forgiveness and come back to your house
When my SS left rehab, the
When my SS left rehab, the counselors there advised him NOT to move in with family. He needed to be responsible for himself, be an adult, find his own way. Part of SS's issue is that too many people did too many things for him, and he didn't learn how to be an adult. This is a familiar story to many here. SS melted down and self-medicated instead, along with all the lies and stealing that go along with it. (BTW, he's clean for 3 or 4 years now and we're very very proud of him.)
He didn't move in with us, but moved to a nearby town to continue college (that lasted a couple of semesters, but he's never finished). DH helped him with rent, gave him a car, all those enabling and codependent things that DH couldn't see was part of the problem all along. He was, in his mind, helping. Thankfully DH finally backed off when SS TOLD him to. Yes, DH, YOU were in fact part of the problem. Talk about carrying around guilt, which he still does, and he struggles against his co-dependent disney dad enabling tendencies every day. Not always successfully either. But SS is making small strides toward and independent life.
OK you've done way more than
OK you've done way more than expected of you by any reasonable person which doesn't include your husband. Tell him that if he insists you wish a separation immediately. Really - isn't it that or your sanity? I know you can't afford a great place without him just do the best you can which is what you'd be doing if you had never met him.
This boy will quit drugs when he's dead although statistically he has a chance and some do. All abusers like this quit, one way or another, by about age forty. But until he does you've got to make a clear point to your husband which I doubt he will take.
Thank you all for your honest
Thank you all for your honest opinions and support!! These are the types of things I need to hear as I ponder this decision. I appreciate all of the different perspectives, and it helps so much to know that many of you have been where I am right now and have made it through. I have a lot of thinking to do, and hopefully some productive discussions with husband. I will always keep my boys first in my mind when making any decision regarding this situation. Right now I'm going to try to get some sleep.....mentally & emotionally drained!
Thanks again for welcoming me into your community!!