i feel like we arent good enough for them
how do u handle a situation where ur DH thinks his kids are better than urs, hes been a very stricked parent ( and i mean stricked) and my kids cant possibly live up to his expectations. im meant to have a relationship with skids when he cant be bothered with mine.
Thats ridiculous. You
Thats ridiculous. You shouldn't feel that way at all. Are you sure this is love or control?
You pretty much have 2
You pretty much have 2 options here: Do you want to live the rest of your life that way or don't you? If not..then leave. I know this sounds like an abrupt decision, but if your DH does not care about you and your childrens feelings, maybe he truly doesn't. Why should your children suffer? You are their mother and you are all they have to protect them from a-holes like that..so protect them. He sounds like an asshole.