SD14 is gonna try to lie? To me??
So SD14 thinks I will fall for her lies! I don't have treats in the house for myself very often. With a wheat and a dairy allergy, treats for me usually means I have to take the time to prepare and bake something...which I did Saturday. Yesterday, DH took it upon himself to let SD14 have a piece of my wheat free, dairy free cake. When I found out, I was upset and pointed out that I was the one who should have been asked, as it is my treat for myself, which I don't have very often. SD14 then tries to lay on the charm telling me there wasn't anything else in the house sweet and chocolatey! Really? Think I'm falling for that? I made it clear that I didn't care if DH and SD14 already burned through the Girl Scout cookies I got for them in less than a week..the cake was off limits. I also let DH know I was not happy him giving permission to SD14 to get into MY stuff!
So tonight, I go to get a piece of cake, and notice a piece is missing. I was making tea by the cake earlier, and being a sheet cake, I know what was there. I look at SD14 and say, "did you ask to have a piece of cake?" She tries to say she didn't have any since the piece last night. I pointed out that the missing piece was there earlier today, that I hadn't had any yet today. She tried to say maybe BS19 had a piece...but BS19 HATES cake...can't stand it! In all his years, at his birthday, I would get cake for everyone else...he wouldn't ever have a piece...and if there was any left, it would end up drying up and being thrown away! So here is SD14 trying to say BS19 ate my cake? Really? With those eyebrows going all over the place on her face? I remind her BS19 hates cake. She has the nerve to say, "Well, can I have a piece of cake now?" I tell her flat out no! DH looks at me and says the cats must have gotten into it...yeah, they got into a metal cake pan with a hard plastic locking that is rather difficult to take off at that! You are going to defend her and make up some BS excuse for the piece that is gone, when you know good and well she lies about everything? While I was working in my office, I heard SD14 in the kitchen, and I did hear sounds that sounded like her getting intoy cake pan...and then the missing piece? Do I have to install cameras all over my house now?
Oh, and if anyone is
Oh, and if anyone is wondering, SD14 has moved out of her starvation phase. No, now she is binging...eating large amounts of food...usually junk food...within the span of about an hour, then disappearing to the bathroom once her binge is over! She does this for like a month, and then goes back into starvation. DH is just so happy she's eating again...but he is ignoring the trips to the bathroom and the huge amounts of food she eats right before she disappears (like a whole box of cookies in one sitting). He misses this is her cycle!
I'd have been all over DH,
I'd have been all over DH, freaking out, saying that chocolate is poison to cats and he needs to get them to a vet NOW so they can do a very expensive stomach pumping procedure and overnight observation followed by tests for neurological, liver and kidney damage. So he best put them in their carriers and head on out to the after hours very expensive vet with SD in tow so she can carry one of the carriers in and get the poor furballs taken care of before they die. Maybe he'll rethink his BS excuse
Lol...oh my...don't you know
Lol...oh my...don't you know it! Those babies may not make it through the night!!! LOL!
Add a heavy laxative to your
Add a heavy laxative to your next cake. I'm serious those chocolate flavored ones so you can add it to a chocolate cake. She'll probably have to eat a few pieces before she figures it out. Make a small cake, maybe 6 pieces so the laxative remains strong. Cut a couple of pieces out and throw them away so she'll think she can get away with it and let her eat the rest.
Second idea: put a lock on a cupboard so you can keep future personal food locked up.
Ahhhh bugger - while I was
Ahhhh bugger - while I was reading and didn't refresh you beat me to it!
Wow, what amazingly clever
Wow, what amazingly clever cats you have - to CUT themselves a freaking slice of cake!!!
You must video them and post it to youtube! Imagine! It will go viral and make you a fortune for sure!!!
SMH - what a dick your OH is - is that the BEST he could come up with - the bloody cats did it???? At least your SD's tale is *slightly* more believable.
Lol!!! Seriously - you have
I'm throwing down the bullsh*t flag on the cat theory. However maybe it was aliens? Ask hubby if he saw any little green men in the kitchen?
Cats! Ha!!! I love it! He gets an " A" for creativity, I'll give h that.
Can you hide your treats somewhere else next time? Clearly SD has no respect for boundaries, or for you.
Thank you gave me a
Thank you gave me a good chuckle reading some of these responses this morning! My cats are pretty smart, but yeah, not that smart, and without thumbs...yeah, there are lots they can't do! I did have one once that couldn't be closed into a room...he would jump at the door knob until he heard the click, then he would pull the door open from the bottom. Luckily, he never learned out to undo locks!
The worst of it that DH will tell everyone that the ONE thing he can't tolerate is lying! I guess he himself is lying when he says he can't tolerate lying! Just sayin'! Oh, he means unless the lie comes out of his princess' mouth, because then, well, she just doesn't know (people who have followed my story knows where that poke comes from)!
SD14's birthday is this weekend...UGH! All she is getting from this house is a pair of inexpensive boots, and I don't care if she likes them or not! She threw such a fit a few weeks ago that she only had one pair of shoes, and just had to have there you go! DH didn't bother to find her a gift...if I didn't get her anything, she wouldn't have gotten jack...or he would have just taken her shopping and spent 10x or more the money. She thinks she is getting a party and everything, HA! DH's car blowing up is almost a blessing, as I have had a really good excuse to put the brakes on all non-essential spending until we know whether or not the warranty is going to pick up the cost of the engine, or if we will have to pay for any part even if they do. Sorry, princess...guess your birthday is going to suck! Don't worry, mine has been ruined the last two years...truth is, it really is just another day. Maybe I should make her that laxative cake for her birthday? I mean, it would help her out when she binges down the whole thing...I would just be helping her out, right? Yeah, I know...eating disorder is nothing to joke about, but no one else will take it serious, so why should I, right?
Seriously, we did have a cat
Seriously, we did have a cat one time that opened a bottle of wine! This cat was the original reason my wine rack moved into the bedroom many, many years ago! Came home, and there was red wine everywhere...walls, carpet, the WHITE dining room chairs, and the cat! It was a bottle of sparkling red...under a lot of pressure...and looking at the cork, we could only guess that she was clawing at it for some crazy reason and it finally popped and sprayed everywhere...LOL. I can laugh about it now, but then it was not funny! Thank goodness for hydrogen peroxide, laundry detergent, and water...that is what got the stains out of the rug and chairs. The walls we had to spray the red spots with Killz to prevent it from seeping through and repaint. The cat was a calico, and her white was purple for like two looks like the wine sprayed her right in the face!
SD14 has been a little overweight most of her life, because no one but me has ever made her eat anything healthy! All those years living at her mom's, her diet was basically fast food, processed crap, and chocolate. It has seriously been like 3 weeks since the girl has even taken a bite of anything that could be considered a fruit or vegetable (the sauce on the pizza she gets every freakin' day at school doesn't count...don't care what the government says)! I've given up making her eat right...and I'm so tired of my good food ending up in the trash that I've given in and bought cereal, ham, cheese and bread for her to eat all the time. I personally don't eat processed food any longer...adopted clean eating about 3 years ago. I occasionally will eat out, but it isn't a common practice for me. SD14 and DH always want to eat out...they would do it every night if I let them. Not me...I personally lost over 80 lbs and I'm now working on changing careers to be a personal trainer to help that I've finally learned there are no real tricks...eating clean and exercising is really the only way to do it! But DH insists I continue to buy the crap food, because he always wants sodas, snacks, etc. I buy them for the sake of avoiding the finally give up! DH and SD14 will sit there on the couch all day long these days eating cheese and crackers, chips, candy, cookies, drinking sodas...then when I fix a real meal, no one is that hungry. More for me and BS19 (he isn't a health nut, but he is in training, and knows he has to eat well..especially since he already got his workouts from the college that he is having to do on his own to prepare for football next season).
SD14 for the last few years will go through this cycle...ever since she started middle school. She will starve herself, drop a couple of sizes (but still stuff herself in even a smaller size...right now, she is "muffin-toppin'" size 4's...which means she should actually be wearing a 6), then she will go on like a month or two binge...stuffing her face with all the junk she can find in the house. Typical after school for her is 2 bowls of cereal, two sandwiches, something sweet (cookies...and no less than a half a box at that, or most recently, my cake), a big glass of chocolate or strawberry milk, and any other snacky thing she can find. This is all in the span of an hour, then she disappears to the bathroom for like 10-15 minutes. Then, I will make dinner of something like chicken, fish, or grilled pork chops with brown rice or quinoa and some veggie or side salad...and she's not hungry. We are about a month into this binge in about another month...mostly because summer is coming up and she wants to wear a two-piece to the pool...she will go back to starving herself, and that will go on for like 2 months. Every time she goes through the cycle, it seems the weight comes back on quicker...of course, she is totally screwing up her metabolism! And when the clothes are too small or too big, no, she can't put them aside for her next cycle of gaining/, she NEEDS new clothes!
Like you, I have have to hide things that I buy for BS19. The only thing of his that she won't touch is his beans and tortillas, because it is too much work to make bean burritos (you have to actually use a can opener...oh no). When he asks for things like breakfast sandwiches, pizza rolls, or hot pockets, I put them in the chest freezer in the utility room...she has forgotten that exists...or she is just to lazy to walk all the way over there to get stuff. Yeah...I know...not the healthiest...but that is just for his snack before work...he will then come home from work and eat what I made for dinner. With all of his weight training and running, the boy burns crazy calories every day, so I'm not worried. BS19 also has a fridge in his room that I'll put his Gatorades and stuff in, or she will down those, too. Oh, and she won't touch his protein powder...yeah...that stuff is nasty! Okay, it is tolerable if you mix it with the right stuff (I drink it too for recovery), but yeah...the container may say chocolate, but that is no Nestle Quik! LOL Normally, SD14 stays out of my food...too green and healthy for her...LOL. But like I said, every now and then, I get a craving for something sweet and chocolaty, so I will make myself something. Yes, I still put sugar in it...real cane, not processed...but I have to use a different type of flour, and I substitute almond milk for cow's. It is a job, as I make my own frosting and everything to avoid dyes and crap. I'm not going through all that work for her! She doesn't appreciate it!
It's terrible that your SD calls you fat!!! I hate that word...unless I'm talking about the fat in food! I prefer simply overweight...and I don't strive to get people skinny, I strive to get people healthy and strong! If you want any tips, just PM me or something. We could really piss her off...hehehe!
Geez it's just a piece of
Geez it's just a piece of cake. Next time you bake a cake like that bake two cakes. A box of regular cake mix is inexpensive and easy to make. I would never bake something just for myself without sharing with the rest of the family. This is such a trivial issue. Pick your battles wisely or life becomes way too complicated.
I got them Girl Scout
I got them Girl Scout cookies! Really? Sd14 and DH blasted through them like they were nothing. I have to bake special for me for food allergies!
And it isn't about the cake...that is minor issue here! All she had to say was, "I'm sorry I didn't ask." Or something like that, and it would have been let go. No, she has to lie and DH doesn't call her on it? Really? And she has to try to blame BS19?
And yes, it may be a piece of cake, but she has a history of taking liberty with other people's stuff! If BS19 leaves Gatorade mix he bought himself on the kitchen counter by accident, she will use it without asking anyone, because she doesn't like plain water! If I don't put my nail polish back in my bedroom, she will just use it without asking. It is the principle of the matter...if it belongs to someone else, you ask!
Oh, I know that was a huge
Oh, I know that was a huge factor. Just like I know she is trying to figure out a way to move back there right now. Her biggest obstacle is her step-father, who does not want her living in his house around his young son! I don't blame him! If we had younger children, I probably would be demanding that DH find another place for the girl to live.
DH needs to be stressed out about other things more makes it so that he doesn't take SD14's crap! So, from what I gathered by last night's argument, SD14 was grounded from texting anyone but her boyfriend, and from hiding out in her room (which explains why she has been a constant presence in the evenings) for the e-cig thing. Well, yesterday when DH comes home, SD14 is asleep on the couch. He tells her to get up, and she sits there a bit before saying she needs to go to the bathroom. She then disappears to her room and goes back to sleep. So DH gets upset and goes to wake her up and get her butt back out to the TV room. Huge argument starts. I almost laughed at one point when DH asked SD14 if she was getting anything he was saying to her, and her response was, "When you start yelling, I just tune you out!" Really? Finally an ounce of honesty!!! LOL! At one point in the argument, DH brought up that she wasn't supposed to be grounded from texting, and she insisted that she was only texting her boyfriend. When DH said, "So, I can go pull up your phone right now and all I'm going to see is his number?" She instantly went into back-track mode, "Well, I sometimes text my other friends from school, um, um..." Lie, lie, lie! They are gonna get you sweetie!
DH also brings up that she has this cycle, and he is done with it! She gets in big trouble, then goes to being a little angel for about a week or two. Then, she starts breaking little rules to see what she can get away with, and if he doesn't say anything, she keeps doing those things and then starts breaking other slightly bigger rules, etc. until she gets into big trouble again. Really? You are seeing this, but you haven't been doing anything to stop it in it's tracks early in the cycle?
Like I said, he needs to be mad and stressed about other things more often. The dealer told him yesterday they will not cover the engine in his car because he has 1 oil change record missing. Only problem, that oil change was done by the dealer, and they claim they have no record of it! So yeah, he is really pissed, because I've made it clear I'm not paying for his car and I want my Forester back.