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Wonder if she will come straight home...

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

So, after her "week of fun" over winter break, SD14 was not supposed to be staying after school any more without prior approval from DH. Since quitting guard, she has at the last minute been deciding to stay after school to "work on percussion", and DH has not gotten on to her for it, but just goes to pick her up like she didn't just break the rule!

Today, DH calls me that he has a work dinner. I tell him that he needs to let SD14 know that she must come home on the bus, as I have a project grad meeting somewhere other than the high school this evening (we hold our exec meeting the week before the general meeting to discuss what we have to talk about with the rest of the senior parents). I flat out told him that I'm not able to go get her. DH said, "I guess I just won't go to the dinner." I told him that was not the answer...he needed to tell her flat out she needs to come home, and if she doesn't, well, I guess she is stuck up at the school until one of us gets done with what we are doing! I also pointed out that I thought she was not allowed to be staying after school for anything without first getting approval, and she has not been getting approval as of late...just doing her own thing and expecting him to jump through hoops for her. His response, "Well, I'll try to get her to come home."

We will see if she comes home. I texted her with plenty of time that she MUST get on the bus to come home, no exceptions!! I never heard back from her. School lets out at 3:45 p.m., and I sent her the text at 3:20 p.m. I'm waiting for her to not show up and give the excuse that she didn't check her phone...which is a lie and a half, because she lives on her phone!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Well, SD14 ended up coming home...but she has a huge attitude about being made to come home after school on the bus. I'm sorry...didn't know I needed to check my schedule with you to make sure it didn't conflict with stuff you wanted to do!!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Sweet? Pft! I told him, "Go to the work dinner. I'm going to the meeting. I guess if she doesn't pay attention to her phone and stays after, she can just wait there until one of us finishes, since she knows that she is supposed to clear all after schools ahead of time." DH didn't really like that response, but he needs to take the hard nosed approach, or she will continue to run him!