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my step son is so manipulative!!!!

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My step son had no rules when I came along. We've managed to get rules out there, but he doesn't listen much to me. He has been so attached to his father that I started trying to get him to do things on his own like normal kids do- playing, grabbing breakfast himself, etc. (he's 10). This is because his dad spent 24/7 with him and now thinks whatever he does his dad should be there and playing with him . My husband and I sleep in on Sundays and watch some TV. Well, recently my stepson freaked out and started crying that we don't care about him because his dad doesn't play with him and he sits and watches TV in the morning...well of course my husband freaked out and felt very bad but now drops everything for him! He won't sleep in, he gets up early and makes him breakfast and makes sure he's right there helping him with everything. Saturdays he gets to go do something he wants, we make dinner and then he thinks we should sit down and watch TV or a movie he wants to watch and gets to pick out. Sunday morning he now doesn't want to sleep in, wants to get up and play with him, make a big breakfast for him. He does his chores for 30 mins max and then he thinks if something to spend the afternoon doing, then it's dinner time again and then watch TV, something we can all watch. I can't believe he's devoting every minute to him. My parents did parent things most of the weekend-shopping, cleaning, cooking while we entertained ourselves and some Saturdays we planned something to do. My parents helped us cook food if wanted, but they weren't my friends, they we're my parents and sometimes would play for 30 mins or so. ...and go on to doing parent things. I feel like my ss is jealous of me and manipulating his dad for full attention. How much do you do with your kids on the weekend? Also, I know he doesn't, see his son much, but is it healthy then to constantly be giving him attention when he is here? He's getting old enough to go do things on his own outside but he constantly refuses. He complains he's not having fun when we go do something if he's not getting 24 /7 attention. Is this healthy? Don't be rude. Yes I care about children but I was very independent and would expect my children to be too. I expect him to be more of a parent and less of a play friend, and then how do we do that?