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A drama free Christmas... unbelievable!

just.his.wife's picture

Christmas was great, all kids and skids well behaved, no family drama... life is good.

Today DH has the 'pleasure' of driving his kids to go see their mother. At the prison. 300+ miles away (have fun with that babe!)

Oh, and the skids figured out what to get her for christmas. Each chipped in 5-10 bucks and are going to put the money on her commisary card.


Harleygurl's picture

I can't even imagine sitting there going "Hey, I know! Let's all put money in mom's commissary account! She'd loved that for Christmas!" Poor kids.

just.his.wife's picture

I agree, it's not something a child should even have as an option for a parent yanno?

However, I did find it rather interesting that they chose her commisary account, instead of buying phone time for her to call them.

Tuff Noogies's picture

yay to drama free. i'm jealous your bm is locked up and out of your hair 100% Wink

just.his.wife's picture

Which time?

False reporting to Federal authorities is why she is in prison this time.