x in laws. Home for the holidays.
My bf's x in laws are flying in for three weeks for the Xmas holiday
They do not want to stay with my bf's x because she is living with her new bf and they are in comfortable .My bf is having them stay at his house. I'm having a hard time understanding why they should be at his house. Am I just being unreasonable?? I don't really know how these blended families work...but he will be spending x mas and new years with them and his kids. I'm not going to be hanging out with them because I have no desire to meet them and im bothered by the whole situation. We are going to be getting engaged but i dont know if i can handle dealing with the exes family...w
Wow. Talk about enmeshed...
Wow. Talk about enmeshed... you don't wnt to do this, he already has a wife - legal or not. You don't do this type of thing for ex's... Hell, I wouldn't have my current in-laws stay for a week.
His x wife will not be
His x wife will not be hanging with them. Just his x in laws and his kids. I'm not sure if I'm over reacting or having legit concerns
His x wife will not be
His x wife will not be hanging with them. Just his x in laws and his kids. I'm not sure if I'm over reacting or having legit concerns
Why didn't they stay in a
Why didn't they stay in a hotel and just spend the day with the kids and their dad?
He says its easier for him
He says its easier for him and the kids.if they just stay at his house. This way the kids can sleep in etc.
I'm bothered by it because he
I'm bothered by it because he is still so entwined with his exes family
..and his x. They have two young kids also. When he presented it he told me they were going to stay. I said that it was strange
It is not my house and not my kids so I don't think I'm in a place to forbid it
He still seems to be very talkative with the x too. He fears if he is not she will ask him for more money
He doesn't want to rock the boat. She calls him to talk about her job..she borrows things.. comes into the house to get the kids breakfast in the morning while he is in the showered
Its weird to me.
He has reminded me over and
He has reminded me over and over that his x and her family are not going away...they will be around forever cause of the kids. I realize this but I don't know if I can handle it and we r not even married yet.
Listen to what he is telling
Listen to what he is telling you. This works for him, his kids, his ex and her family. He isn't to going to change what works for six people in order to please one person.
As crazy as this set up is, you have to give the man credit for being honest before marrying you, living with you or having a child with you.
Thank him for for being honest with you and walk away from this family.
He still seems to be very
He still seems to be very talkative with the x too. He fears if he is not she will ask him for more money
He doesn't want to rock the boat. She calls him to talk about her job..she borrows things.. comes into the house to get the kids breakfast in the morning while he is in the showered
If this is the kind of relationship he wants/has with his ex, he should stay single until the kids are grown.
Whether it's what he wants or it's what he puts up with so as not to "rock the boat", I would not want to be a part of it. Notasm is right, it's very similar to dating a married man in that, you do not come first.
By the way, not wanting to rock the boat is code for, "bitch still has my balls and I'm afraid to get them back."
I just talked to my bf about
I just talked to my bf about this stuff and he says I'm being immature. He says he doesn't associate his x in laws with his ex.!??? I don't know what to do
...he just doesn't get it.
He just loves these people...that's fine...but I don't want them around.