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Another one bites the dust...

onthefence2's picture

I have watched SO many friends on facebook fall madly in love, and... out of love. One friend divorced, married, divorced again and remarried in the past 4 years. Another found her DREAM man and then the next thing you know, she's bitching about how her bf treats his son differently from the other kids and it's driving her nuts. She just left her DREAM man. Another friend was in love, married her dream man in a beautiful ceremony, and a few months later, they are separated because he has a temper (they blended their families, skids involved). I just don't get this. It seems people get swept up in something, and then don't wait until they come down to see what happens when life takes over. But we are too old for that, I think! We are not in our 20s anymore, and we all have kids involved now. Shouldn't we be more careful who we bring around our kids? Or how far relationships go in such a short amount of time? I just don't know what to think of it all. I know if I remarry I'm making darn sure it's gonna stick, and I'm making darn sure there isn't some crazy habit or temperament that I have a problem with. Did my friends just not do this? Were they in denial? Do we make the same stupid mistakes we did in our 20s and 30s? Will we ever learn? What do you all think?

onthefence2's picture

Yep, I think a lot of people don't realize when they "come back down" the person they are with might not have been worth giving up all kinds of things and get resentful. My sister is always making stupid mistakes, but it's like she needs the drama in her life to feel alive or something. I'm the complete opposite (but still do stupid stuff).

Harleygurl's picture

I have a friend that has done this for the past four years. She's had so many crappy guys involved in her sons' lives with engagements, the men sleeping over, etc. And the guys she chooses leave a lot to be desired. Her problem is that she can't stand to be alone. She always needs a man.

She married the latest in June and was texting me a day before the wedding saying she didn't want to get married to him. I told her better to disappoint a few people now than to go through a crappy divorce again. She married him anyway and has kicked him out of the house more times than I can count in the last six months.

I just feel sorry for the kids that get dragged through their immature parent's crap over and over again.

onthefence2's picture

Crazy! I think I take marriage more seriously than a lot of people like your friend. I married for 8 years and I've been divorced for almost 6. I think I've been through enough to learn I DON'T want another divorce. Nor do I want to put my kids through that.

onthefence2's picture

Too bad you did not say, "Ah, nevermind...I'm not ready," when the kids decided they were ready to meet you!! We are really messing the kids up with all the power that we give them. Last weekend I had to address my boyfriend giving his son too much power. I'm sure we all do it from time to time, but as long as we pull the reigns in every now and again, they know who's in charge. Some parents don't even have a hand on the reigns.

Good luck with getting out of the madhouse!

onthefence2's picture

I agree; I think so many people are looking for their next victim before they even stop to think about what went wrong. It's A.D.D. Love LOL

Tuff Noogies's picture

HNRYC i agree!!! i told a friend this yesterday. she hates being alone, and she's still hooked on the previous (fairly long) relationship. that one was NOT healthy, but no reason to jump around from man to man. i told her when she ENJOYS being alone, when she's happy with HERSELF and not looking for someone else to fill her needs, that is the time it will happen.

it did to me Smile

onthefence2's picture

I LOOOOOOOOVE being alone! I am my best me when I'm not in a relationship. I'm not sure what that's about. Probably my introversion...

SMof2Girls's picture

What I find interesting is people who willingly enter into relationships with men/women who are still married (separated, but before the divorce is final), or just a few months after the divorce is finalized.

I don't know why anyone thinks this is a good idea .. especially when there's kids involved. Classic case of the "stepmom" swooping in to fix the broken man and mother his child .. and we all know how THAT ends ..

z3girl's picture

I sometimes think that people who were in very long-term relationships, say 10-20+ years, are scared to be alone, and want to jump right into the next relationship. I think maybe some people forget that it takes possibly years of getting to know someone fully, so why rush into marriage? I understand the desire to not be alone, and the head over heels initial feelings are pretty awesome.

I really don't understand how people can jump into relationships if there are younger children involved. I know if DH and I split, I would not be having anyone overnight around them, and I wouldn't jump into another marriage until I would be confident (as well as I could be) that it would last. I'm not sure that's even possible while my children are young. I certainly would date, but my children come first, and that means stability for them. There's plenty of time when they're grown to play. It's going too fast already!

onthefence2's picture

That is what happened to my friend who has divorced twice and married twice in the past 4 years. Her husband of almost 20 years was an alcoholic and most of those years were miserable. She just didn't know how to be alone once they divorced. Her mom died around the same time. So the man she was with was 'it'.

IAMGOOD's picture


Social media is a nightmare. It is used to pass along gossip and advertise and for people to paint fake images of themselves and yes, for people to revisit old loves. Oh - how sweet to go back in time and be young all over again. I know SO MANY that have divorced because of Facebooka and meeting their old love of their life. Happy, Happy until reality hits. Often they are escaping bad situations but the complication of adding another person in the picture during the divorce process creates so much hatred and the kids get caught right in the middle.

I divorced without havein another "guy" in the buffer ready.

Dated - etc. I can honestly see why a lot of people would say "I love being alone". I really do think often best for the kids depending on situation is to just spend some time alone with them. Only problem I see with that is I have a friend that waited and then once a significant other gets placed in the picture they TOTALLY ACT UP. No time for a new guy/gal is a good time. Best chance at blending families is when the kids are young (<10). Teens are nightmares to deal with in blended family.

No perfect life - no perfect way!!!!

farting_glitter's picture

LOL!!!! not snarky at all... .not at you Wink others on here?...yeah sometimes... Biggrin

i think i may be developing a internet crush on you..... Blum 3

onthefence2's picture

Wow, I don't know anyone who has cheated or left a marriage because of fb. I'm sure it's happened, just not publicized. I am REALLY good at not butting into people who vaguebook. If I don't already know what's going on or if your post doesn't make sense, I don't ask further. Unless someone dies or is sick, and then I will inquire. So I miss a lot. Mostly I get my news from fb...a lot of political stuff. I did have a student from 20 years ago tell me he had a crush on me back then and wanted to meet up LOL