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OT-So Proud of BS3!

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

So BS3 and I went Christmas shopping last week, and we donated to the Salvation Army on the way into the store. I explained to him why we were doing it, then I kinda forgot about it. We pulled up to the same store today. As we are driving through the parking lot, BS3 tells me that he hopes the lady with the bucket is there. As we get out, he proceeds to get his change out (I keep change in the back door handle for him). The worker is on break when we walk in. BS3 is notably upset. As we are checking out, he gets his change out again and tells me he hopes "the lady with the bucket is back". We walk out and the man working today is there. BS proudly puts his change in the bucket. As we approach my car, BS3 tells me the man with the bucket was nice, and he hopes the lady comes back next time (there was a lady working the first time). Tonight BS3 found a penny on the kitchen counter. He told me that we needed to go shopping again tomorrow because he needs to give his penny to the people with the bucket. I am so proud of him for learning so early to give to others. I hope he continues this mindset as he gets older. Smile
