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It's nice to get validated once in a while

Elizabeth's picture

Yesterday I was talking to a lady I have not known very long and the subject of SD20 came up. She knows both me and DH but did not know about SD20. She innocently asked if SD20 was coming to our house for Christmas, and I had to explain no (long story) and why (she is no longer welcome at my house). I know that sounds bad, so I always expect judgment. Amazingly, she said that if she had a SD like mine, she wouldn't want that kind of influence around her children and she thinks I have done the right thing.

That happens SO seldom. It was nice to hear.


DaizyDuke's picture

Isn't it sad that we don't want our children to be around their own (1/2) brothers/sisters? I would not shed a tear, bat an eyelash if BS3 NEVER had to see SS and SD again. They are both so screwed up and at their ages, almost 16 and almost 15 I really don't feel that they will change at this point. I really don't want BS3 to have anything to do with either one of them. Sad!