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Teenage Stepchildren...with children.

OhGolly's picture

My SD16 has a 9 month old baby boy. Just feels so weird because I'm not old enough to be a grandma. DH is 11 years older than me and had her when he was I'm only 24. What do you have the baby/child call you? I've been calling myself Nana to him, but it's so weird. I guess I'll get used to it though. When I'm out in public and people ask me who he is, I pause. My grandson? Weird, right!?! I say my husbands grandson. It's not that I don't love him or anything, I absolutely adore him! It's just a very awkward situation. Anyone else dealt with anything similar?

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

Just say its my Step Grandson? Just a suggestion, they will just assume that your husband is older then you. I get what you are saying, you are young but those who know you and know that your husband is a bit older wont question it. Otherwise learn what I am trying to learn, who cares what others think of you. You adore the little boy so enjoy him and be happy you get to share his life with him. I would say Stepgrandson if I were you, then they will just get it. I have a Step Grand daughter on the way and my husband and I chances are will not get to know her...long story, disengaged from SD19 and I thought I was young to be a grandma but your MUCH younger then me. Smile There is nothing wrong with age on anything. My husband is 17 years older then me. It just happened, not that I planned to find an older man or anything.

Just try and learn what I am learning...who the heck cares what others think, if anything it will make their heads turn and if you look at it as funny, it will be funny. Smile I think Nana is cool...that is what I would have trained SD19s baby to call me if she was in our lives. I figure the natural grandma gets to be grandma and so I wanted to be different and wanted that name instead. Besides my Nana was the best Smile

OhGolly's picture

Thanks for your input. When I tell people, they usually say something along the lines of, "OMG, he's old enough to have a grandchild", and I return with "yes, but his daughters only 16". I'm not sure which is more embarrassing. You're right though, I shouldn't let what people think get to me. I try very hard. It's not just this situation. He has so much baggage, and feel like trash when I tell people. It's like I can't make them understand why I would chose this life. Sometimes I don't even understand it, but I'm surprisingly happy most of the time.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I thought it was going to be like that for us too, but SD came around. Maybe yours will as well.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

The whole not caring what people think of you is easier said then done, I know, I still deal with that. Another thing is that people are just so judgmental rather then keeping their nose or opinions out of peoples business. I guess it takes a person who has been through some truly hard situations to stop judging. I am sorry you go through that and yes people sit and assume what ever they want and its horrible.

I know what you mean, sometimes I wonder why I got to where I am at too but I am happy with the man I have and I wouldn't change that. He is a wonderful father in my eyes and he is a good man to me. SD19 put us through hell and particularly me and he has always stood by my side.

Oh here is a funny one for judging people. I have been with DH for 12 years (his girls were 10 and 7 when I became their stepmom). They are now 22 and 19. I told him I wanted at least one child. So now I have DD8 and he thought DD8 shouldn't grow up alone since her sisters are so much older then her so that brings us to DD3. So his children range from age 3 to 22 Smile That gives us some looks but we have over time just ignored that. Those who know us think its pretty neat.