Ok - Everyone - Did you see this?
It's about a mom who was going to adopt a child, and then 18 months later, gives the child back because she "can't bond with it".
This is my favorite quote from the article...
" But what no one is saying is that ultimately this story is about the one thing that it shouldn't be about -- Anita Tedaldi. One of the not-discussed-enough aspects of the mommy blogosphere is how often it becomes All About Mom. This story is a classic case of that."
Thought this was interesting...
- Stick's blog
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I think i have seen it all
I think i have seen it all now. I can imagine we have not heard the last of this story, it is one of those stories that will get everyone fired up, no matter what side of the fence you may sit on! It saddens me....and the worst part, it is only the infant that will suffer, twice now he has been abandoned.
What a jerk. This isn't
What a jerk. This isn't something you can try out and return, its a human life for goodness sake.
I actually have no words for her.
Stick, that story turns my
Stick, that story turns my stomach. I'm thinking about your quote that you picked out, though. I will post more later cause I have to go to work, but I'm thinking about that quote.
To every thing there is a season.
I'm not understanding how
I'm not understanding how she's holding the baby half accountable for not bonding with her and her family. It doesn't have a personality yet. Being left on the side of the road, the baby was probably traumatized from the little exposure it has had to the world. There are people capable of loving a child that isn't theirs as their own. It is unfortunate this woman did not realize she was not one of those people until she adopted. I'm trying not to be judgmental, and guessing she figures its best to give the child back so it has a chance to be adopted by someone that will love it the way it deserves since she's incapable of doing that. I don't think she's a horrible person for changing her mind. A flake? Definitely. But not a horrible person.
I agree Chai.... this is
I agree Chai.... this is really sad and disturbing.... my heart goes out to that poor child.
I for one will never judge
I for one will never judge another mother who's shoes I've never warn.
I think everyone would be happier with her if she publicly demonized herself and called herself an unfit mother. I do agree with one comment, addressing hypocrisies. They pointed out that when someone can't love a child enough, nurture them, or neglects them or worse, everyone says, "WHY didn't they give them to someone else?" And when a woman finally admits she can't, we attack her as a mother.
I know my own difficulties having a BPD SD, have changed my thoughts on my ability to adopt. We had considered it. We even one offered when a friend's daughter became pregnant in high school. But now that I've done so much research on genetics and family culture/environment? I would not risk the child I adopted not fitting into my way of parenting. I am highly independent. So are my bio kids because I nurture but don't coddle. SD needed more attention than I am comfortable giving, and I felt claustrophobic from early on. Had I known about her BPD, I would have known I couldn't handle it. But you don't usually know, do you?
What I do know about myself now, is that I could not go thru this again and would not put my other children thru it.
I'm betting this mother of 5 felt compelled to share, just as we SMs do here, because she didn't want others to go thru this and think they were the only one. Because...
I'm pretty sure she isn't the first person to have difficulty bonding with a child who isn't biologically theirs. Who didn't wish their time with that child away so they could live without all the misery and tension that inability to bond carries.
I for one, think she is incredibly courageous, not only in putting the child's best interest above the world's opinion of her, but also in sharing it with us all.
"Parental love is unconditional, relationships are reciprocal." ~Zen
I keep seeing it pop up on
I keep seeing it pop up on AOL news. I have been meaing to read it all day... I am not so sure I want to know. It will just make me mad... what a POS.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
What I find incredible here
What I find incredible here is that she already had 5 bio kids - when there are so many childless couples out there desperate for a baby I'm confused by the system that would give her a baby over them (I'm in England, so don't fully understand American adoption system)
I completely agree with peacenquiet - for that child to find out later that he was abandoned twice in his early years is going to really hurt him, and presumably he's now at an age where moving him to another home is going to cause him significant trauma, and if someone else now adopts him I would have thought there will be genuine difficulty getting him to bond with a new family. Grr, it makes me mad!