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Mentally spent on DW and SD16

VitamixFamilyStepDad's picture

In my introduction post ( I gave a hint of the dynamics in my very blended family and a very cursory hint at their roots… I am sure everything will come out a jumbled mess because that’s the way it has become in my head, but I promised myself I would start and hopefully this outlet will give me some relief. I apologize up front for rambling Smile

I am so incredibly confused by my DW and SD16 #1. The oldest 3 skids have spent nearly our entire marriage creating wedges and using manipulation to guilt DW into essentially choosing them over me. SD16 #2 has over the last year matured a lot and is actually gotten the idea of accountability and responsibility, even to the point trying to have a “real” relationship with me. Over the past 3 years SD16 #1 has spiraled so far out of control that DW has approached me about sending her to a Wilderness Program. This is after we had to ditch the most recent therapist, who had it in for me because I kept telling her that SD16 was playing her, and not to underestimate her ability to manipulate, lie, and fake emotion. In the end, she convinced BD and DW to grant her freedoms that I contested (and lost) and SD16 proceeded to violate their trust and prove EVERYTHING that I said had happened and would happen. SD16 has the same privileges available to her as her sister, but she violates our trust so frequently that she hasn’t kept them for more than 24hrs for as long as I can remember. DW isn’t letting her go out with friends, she hasn’t even taken driver’s ed yet (SD16#2 has), she gets very limited phone privileges (that are monitored), she is never left home alone - last time DW left her home for 45mins she messaged 4 different guys to figure out who could get there first and took them into her bedroom; she probably would have used ours, but DW had me put keyed locks on ALL the interior doors due to her thievery, and in general doesn’t have a social life outside of school. I know DW is more lax with the phone and TV when I’m not around, because I see the phone records and I see what was watched as soon as I turn on the TV(we use Netflix and Hulu… no Cable or Sat anymore). Despite DW demonstrating that she knows SD16 is a major problem and when she is in the moment applying rules and discipline, time as short as 20 minutes and she flip-flops.

A few days ago DW comes home sobbing uncontrollably, when asked what happened she told me she felt so hopeless about SD16, how she is a complete “f*** up” and nothing gets through to her. This was after her most recent suspension from school where she has an A in Art and is failing all else. Since SD16 was suspended, a few minutes later she comes down and asks what’s wrong and DW says “Oh its nothing I was just talking to my sister.” She gave up a golden opportunity to tell SD16 that her choices where so poor that it was breaking her heart and she felt hopeless. Less than an hour later they are sitting on the couch laughing at Vines together, so of course I am the a-hole because I remind her that she was just suspended and we agreed she was grounded… which includes electronics.
Later I confront DW and ask how she expects SD16 to get it, when the message is oh yeah ok you’re grounded, but only sorta and the message that comes back from SD16 is how its all my fault. At which point she gets upset with me and tells me I shouldn’t even be involved. I reminded her of my duties not only as a SD, but as a father and protector to my BD and the other skids, and that SD16s influence in the house was so detrimental that DW wants to send her to Wilderness Program.
I get that she feels guilty about the molestation of SD16x2 by her ex, but she put him in jail the moment she found out. The whole family has been in and out of therapy for nearly our entire marriage, including us in couples counseling (I will be doing a separate post on this). She has been told time and again by counselors, a judge, and me that she isn’t responsible and in day to day living she seems fine, but the second SD16 doesn’t get her way, she targets me and flips DW against me, even if I wasn’t even a part of whatever is going on.

I just can’t wrap my brain around the Jeckyl and Hyde thing that goes on with DW where one minute she is raving mad, or violently sad as a direct result of SD16… but the next she is acting all buddy-buddy with her and will side with SD16 against me, when moments before she agreed with me. The only light I have is that SD16 will eventually be SD18 and won’t be in my home anymore.

ENuff's picture

Disney parents ~ Peter Pan !!!

I know we all lax in someway or form throughout out our children's lives to make up for the short comings in there life ~ but ~ this example is of right n wrong. At what point in the SKid lives are they responsible for their own actions. I really doubt Mom text 4 Boyd when she left for 45 minutes. Just saying ~

I was caught in that ridiculous web ~ but I was bringing the shot to the table saying ~ hello "Walt Disney" are you going to ground her for ~ I'd don't know having sex in a car on school property n being caught my a coach. No ~ all the parents did was bitch about it to adults. I was told by BM please don't tell her I told you. You have to be down right delusional if you think a I am gonna keep my mouth shut n b keep my mouth shut. These parents are ridiculous ~ let's just ignore it cause that teachers her what ??? Oh we respect your feelings so we know you know you were wrong ~ so would you like to go find a dress for the sweet 16 this weekend n do you want to go to a bonfire with me ???

I think I live in a clown university ~ how about talking about her bad behavior n poor choices. Throw you raging hormone idea right out the window. Don't justify what she did because you did it as a young girl ~ how about that was your bad decision n actually teacher instead of throwing your hands in the air like ~ I don't know what to go.

I would questions your wife ~ saying these are poor decisions she is making ~ bad behavior. How is she going to learn that these are bad behaviors if you don't address it. Be an active parent not a passive parent. A parent in the verb form not just the title. One if the daughter is on the right track ??? Right

Modernworld1011's picture

I send my sympathy to you. I go through some version of this too. I am sure most do. It seems that some people get divorced, realize it is painful but ultimately for the best, and they try to move forward with their lives for the betterment of themselves and their kids. These kids end up fine. Then there are those that divorce, but in spite of knowing it was the correct choice for whatever reason choose to feel guilty about it. Kids smell the guilt and use it to their advantage. They of course often become screwed up from this, so the parent blames themselves. Their parents seem always to forget that their kids probably would have been messed up just as badly if not worse by being around the parents who do not function well together. They conveniently forget, and then eternal guilt sets into the mix.

Seems like your wife has moments where she knows her daughter is a mess, but then feels guilty for letting her child accept some level of responsibility for her actions. Heaven save us all from the parents who never want their kids to be unhappy.

You cannot do or say much because you become the bad guy to both. It's a no win. I am glad at least one child is pleasant.

Funny how you fall in love, and do the right thing, but end up held hostage to such nonsense. I hope your wife can take a good hard look at things. Maybe the other daughter could say something...

whatwasithinkin's picture

I have a SD17 who will be 18 in a few weeks. Doesnt have the same type of issues with problems but certainly did at one time (school grades sucked, piss poor attitude towards me and everyone else ect)

SD therapist advised DH how to handle it, and instead DH did nothing. When the pressure between SD17 and myself and my children became to great, SD went to live with MIL.

Sometimes you cant fix broken, sometimes broken has to fix itself.