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New Here - I can completely relate to all

its.lovely's picture

New Here... just wanted to say that I'm reading these posts and sobbing. I decided last night, after a huge blow up, to move out. The Golden Children have taken their crap a little to far. I have two bio children that I need to concern myself with and myself. The skids are on their own with their dad. I've been slandered, lied to, called every name in the book, etc. The same things you've all so eloquently described, I'm living.

SD18 moved in with us 6 months ago. She's 18 going on 12, seriously. We wondered if she even knew how to tie her shoes, it was that bad. She's not vindictive, just too stupid to realize that her drama is destroying our household. We've tried talking to her, she just cries and says she will change. Nope... yesterday I saw a text conversation between she and her brother SS11 stating that they can't stand my mother, she talks too much, the OMG's, the whole nine yards. Their disrespect of me I can handle, but do not mess with my mama. I came way too close to punching her - too close for even my own comfort. I just lost it completely. That's not in my nature so it scared me.

BF just stands there. He's never held them accountable for anything they do. They've never been scolded for the terrible things they say to and/or about me. Will BF EVER do anything right by me? Probably not. The decision to move out was heart breaking and sad, to say the least. But my spirit is broken and I have no fight left in me to stay. I knew it wouldn't be a bed of roses, but this, I did not sign up for.