Have any Step-Mom's had their incomes factored into the child support order?
I am just curious. I stand to re-enter the work force in six months at what should be a decent middle class salary. I am a non-custodial Step Mom who has not adopted my skids.
BM is a money grubber (to put it nicely) and I am concerned. The lawyer says she doesn't have rights to my salary, but family court can be a strange creature.
I do not mind helping skids out, but I wish to decide what form that help takes.
Has anyone experienced this issue? I know the laws vary by state, but I'm still interested to hear peoples examples.
// Susanna
No, No, No!
In the US, spouses salaries are NOT considered. Where I live I know that for sure and I'm pretty sure about the entire country. We have absolutely NO RIGHTS when it comes to the skids so why would salaries or anything else we do be a consideration? If you play the lotto, make sure you are the one to buy the tickets so that she can't get her money grubbing hands on a dime (if you are lucky enough to win)!!
My income or lack thereof has never been considered, nor was the kids' stepfather's. The only thing that factored into it was the income of the bio parents. If a stepparent adopts a stepchild, then they no longer are "step" anything and that new relationship is the same as if you'd given birth to that child.
Now, I do know that there are some states where if the stepparent is standing in loco parentis for an absent bio parent who has essentially abandoned the kids and the step is raising the kids as his/her own and the kids have every reasonable expectation that the stepparent will continue to financially support them, then those stepparents CAN be ordered to continue that support. But it's rare and there are so many convoluted things that have to be taken into consideration. If you hold yourself out to be a parent to the children and you assume the responsibility of raising them and supporting them, then if the bio parents are absent or dead, you could be considered to have a legal obligation to support them. But that's an extreme case and not really the norm.
~ Anne ~
In Louisiana it does come into play and although our households are about the same. It only takes about 25% of mine and 25% of sd so since my salary and bm and my dh and sd are the same it looked as though we made way more. So when she had the kids we paid about 3 times more than she had to pay us when we were given custody.
Hi I live in Louisiana, I
Hi I live in Louisiana, I just got married 3 months ago now the crazy baby momma is talking bout putting me on child support. My husband gets Social Security Disability can the judge order me to pay too. Even though he have an income?
That's good to know
I get very little say in the skids lives, so it really seems fair that I am not legally required to pay. I have considered helping them with educational things, but I'm not down for giving up my rent money for uber expensive video games.
I think it's fair that the step-parents contribution should be in line with their values.
Thanks again to Anne and Stepped On
PS - This is probably the only interactive support I've ever had from other steps that had to struggle. That is why I have so many questions. I've been trying to figure it out on my own for years.
I think that a lot of people think that if I were a "good" step-mom I wouldn't have problems, so I either don't talk about it or I act like everything is fine.
I hear BM's talking about how they parent and I'm always like "Da#$, the skids would call the cops on me if I asked them to do that chore."
Step's income
What state do you live in? I ask because in most states the stepparent's income actually lowers the child support. At least it always has in my particular situation. This is because it puts my husband into a higher tax bracket, i.e., more taxes withheld, less disposable income per check. So, if you guys file your taxes “Married and joint” you may want to have your income included in the calculations. What you can do is find out what program your county uses to calculate support and find a free version on the web. Here in Fresno County they use the DissoMaster program and you are able to download a free trial for 60 days from their website. It might be worth it to try, you may be able to save some money by making money.
Not in Michigan
This isn't true in Michigan. Figuring out the child support formula and my husband did it as single and then again as married and it was almost $400 more. They put you in a higher tax bracket and you pay more taxes. If he was to adopt my daughter it would drop it down about another $70.00 if that. So no they don't factor the step parents income but, they do on the amount of taxes you pay per being married...
I hate to say this...
I have a good friend. She married a fellow who was previously married with children a few years back, and guess what. BM took x, her husband, back to court. Judge ruled that her, my friend's, income was and is to be included as household income, they were a two family income, therefore it was used to adjust the cs, and they were ordered to pay more cs to BM... IT WAS TOTALLY AND UTTERLY BULLSHIT. While it is against the law, there is no credibility for the judges out there to hold them accountable for their rulings. I have also heard first hand accounts from two other friends who had similar things happen in my state. I saw first hand the paperwork and the paycheck stub of two of my friends. The BM literally went after them financially because all of a sudden, x is remarried, pulling in two incomes, and they both decided to weasel their ways into the x's spouses income. They could barely make ends meet.
So, while it is totally against the law, it happens in my state, and I know three people off the top of my head where the spouse's income was taken into consideration on some level. One of my friends complete paycheck in conjunction of her husband's was considered as HIS TOTAL INCOME, the other friend had a portion of her paycheck that the judge considered "household/family" portion with her husband's. So, while they may not actually TAKE the income from the new spouse's paycheck, the court factor in this amount as a total income for the x (BD), because he was head of household in both cases. So, they took that from the BD's paycheck. One was my friend's husband's complete whole paycheck, and practically close to everything from my other friend's husband's paycheck. (We often laughed and asked if they had the same judge... but they didn't. When we looked at the history of the judges, both were very radical biased judges and always ruled for the mothers regardless.) The third friend, I don't know what happened. But they went back to court and got a better ruling.
Because of this alone, that is why we have chosen for me NOT to work for the past year until we get SD's cs case all settled. Maybe it's just in the area that we live in, I don't know, but I've run into so many couples with their own horror stories about cs in this state. We can't afford to have any of my income to be factored in, so we decided that while we can barely get by without me working, once everything is said and done, if I have to, I will go back to work part time. If BM takes us back to court, at least then my income that I bring in won't be enough for the court to recognize as substantial, but rather, because of the fall out of cs before we started, if that makes since.
Oh, and I wanted to add
That we asked our attorney about this, and she even told us... They are not suppose to do that, it's against the law, but I have seen it happen. FROM AN ATTORNEY.
not sure about alaska...
i heard of this happening too. to a couple in alaska - it caused their divorce because sm owned her own business worth a lot of money and didn't want to lose any of what she had worked so hard for her whole life.
Follow up Qu.
What state are you in? Do you happen to know anything about Texas law? I recently married someone with a 10 year old daughter. He is currently paying child support based off of his income alone. I make more $ than my husband and live in NY state. The mother and child live in TX. Do you happen to know where I could find out about this?? Help!
Can I ask what state this is
Can I ask what state this is in?
In Texas the answer is No
In Texas step-parent's income is NOT considered. But the custodial parents income isn't considered either. Example, If BM has custodial custody (kids sleep, eat, etc, at her house more) her income does not factor. If she makes $80,000.00 annually and EX Spouse makes $35,000.00, EX spouse who has 2 children still pays 28% of his income towards child support, PERIOD! Everybody always thinks of it being great UNTIL you think of it reversed, ALL men do NOT make more than ALL Women. BTW in our case it's JOINT Custody when dealing with medical, education, etc, but she had primary physical cutody ALTHOUGH, and this is hilarious she has the kids from pick-up of school on Monday afternoon until drop off of school on Thursday morning, we pick up Thursday afternoon and keep until Monday morning where we take them to school, however because Husband has WORKED HARD and makes a very good income, (we really can't complain on the income) he is a 6 figure wage earner, she (BM) receive $3,000.00 a month child support) and in my opinion we have the kids just as much as she does, and SHE has to contribute NOTHING, and I do mean nothing, We pay 100% medical, she gets to file the kids on taxes EACH and EVERY year.
Now I am going to remove the anger from this statement and I truly would like to know TAX purposes, If you are not contributing more than $3,000.00 PER month toward your kids, because we're paying $3,000.00, so in order for you to be able to say you are paying for all of the kids needs you would need to be paying more than we are paying, why do you get to file the kids on taxes as dependents when they are NOT dependant on you, they are, as well as you (if truth be told) dependant upon us. I don't get this part of family court.
And before I get hit up with all the BM's out there about how much, rent, food, car, etc cost, this is not the case here, This BM lives in an all bills paid, hood-rat, roach infested, crime ridden, $125.00 a MONTH I repeat $125.00 a month apartment, she drives a 1992 vehicle, and is always ALWAYS in designer clothes, eats out for dinner EVERY night, and takes cruises, vacations, spas, etc. Don't give me she CAN't afford to get out of a $125.00 a month apartment and drive a better and decent car. She is pocketing and splurging the child support and doesn't want to GROW UP and get a HOUSE, a future or anything nice for the kids because it would hinder her spending.
Sorry for the venting.....this just brought up too many painful memories of this woman.
"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)
Isn't it just outrageous!
I totally agree with you. I've had the SAME argument time in and time out... I just wish that the system would get up to date. I mean, if this was a business transaction, a true business type deal, say like if anyone that pays taxes... we all know that we have to itemize and show receipts and such. Businesses are held accountable to show where and how their financial woes are spent... why not BM's? The system is sooo corrupt, and I just think that there needs to be a drastic reform of the system.
Oh I know exactly how you
Oh I know exactly how you feel. My husbands ex-wife was making only about $1.00 less than he was (a hour) and we still had to pay her $250.00 a month and it is 50/50 custody! And now, her income is $20.00 more than my husband a MONTH and we still have to pay her $100.00 a month with it still being 50/50 custody! You always hear about oh dead beat dads and 'be a father, pay your child support' but this is BULLSH*T! We also have other children together. Oh and by the way the support order is for only one child. Someone needs to do something about the screwed up system in this country!
In Ontario...woman's income is not considered ...
In Ontario, if Dad is paying CS, only his income is factored in...no other. Doesn't matter is mom makes $110,000 and dad makes 30000, he still pays according to the chart. That is fair in my opinion!
info please
i am paying my ex husband C/S. I am from Newfoundland, canada. I have just relocated to the u.s and married. can my Ex husband get more C/S from me now that i married again...............he says he can
my mom is from Newfoundland, left when she was 18 and lived in the US since.
my email is roberts.lor@gmail.com if you would like to chat outside of here. my mom would love to hear that I spoke to someone from Newfoundland, she may even know you or your parents/grandparents.
He lies
Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!
As long as you don't contest
As long as you don't contest what the federal guidelines say you have to pay based on your income alone...then no. Your new husband's income does not fact in at all.
I too am from Canada. Going through this right now.
Child Support is set based
Child Support is set based on his income alone and what the chart says....But spousal support CAN BE affected by your new partners income.
I was laid off my job....and the judge mentioned that it qualified as a 'material change in circumstance' in Hubby's household and granted our petition to have spousal support to his X stopped...this fact, in combinatin with many others is what did it.
Would it work the other way...so X could petition for more...good question...because 'officially' I don't think it's supposed to..but a good lawyer can get around it...I think.
For example, part of spousal support entitlement comes from one spouses 'ability to pay' and the others 'need'...so technically if you working frees up more 'free' money for him....then he may now have 'ability to pay' from the extra income in his pocket as you contribute more to househood expenses.....
That's how I've seen spousal support work in Canada.....but they don't like to mess with an order once it's in place...and I think it's the exception to consider new spouses income......we had many other significant circumstances in our case against his X.
Only To Calculate Tax
We met with the attorney last month and if we are filing jointly I have to disclose my income in order for the program to calculate DH tax burden for purposes of chidl support. Other than that, the dissomaster program doesn't rely on my income to calculate child support. However, if we ever wind up in court, I have an instinct that my income might influence the judge to not give DH any breaks where there is any discretion, as unfair as that is.
Your right ... there is a
Your right ... there is a huge area of grey. And although things like that don't matter 'officially'....in reality they do. We had so much evidence of lies, deception, withholding information, questionable documents....as far as x goes...
The judge did not look on her favourably..because of it all. So instead of looking for a legal way to give her what she asked for which was spousal support until the day she died basically. The judge looked for the legal way to give us what we asked for..which was retroactive termination of spousal support.
I was curious about this too
We are going to meet with the divorce attorney again. This is my situation: My husband and I just got married in December in February he will be divorced for 2 years. In divorce decree it said that she would pay off certain debt and he would pay off certain debt. He has paid his parts, but there is one credit card in his name that SHE was supposed to pay she hasn't paid it off yet. She has been late paying it, and while right now we are not seeing a negitive things on his credit report but I could see it happening soon. The x is upset that now that we are married she thinks we are making so much more money and shouldn't be worried about it, but I disagree.... She has now said that she is going to take him back to court to try to get the 50/50 custody agreement changed and try to get child support from him because he has an increased income!!!! We even have taken over the insurance which she is supposed to take care of but we can get it so much cheaper through my company. Why won't she realize I am not going to hurt the kids, and they are really blessed to have an extra person looking out for them!!!!
I'm in WA State
and our attorney told me that she (bm) is entitled to know my financial records, but they cannot factor my income into cs. What they can do is look at our household income, and figure out what my obligations are to our household, and offset my dh's obligations to our household, which then can figure into cs.
I personally have not seen this go through, our attorney wouldn't allow it, and my income has never been factored into cs. When it all boils down, only bm's income and dh's income are used to figure out cs.
we went to court two years
We went to court two years ago and the money grabbing ex tried to obtain money from me. I just sold my house and I make good money and she tried hard to get a piece of it (and she wonders why I dislike her) and in Ontario they would not even consider it. I am sure it pissed her off...not sure why because she still got a lot of money from the ex. Guess when you are greedy you want it all.
aint that the truth!
Prior to me getting married, my dh and I establish a pre-nup. When my attorney was advising me privately, I told him that our main focus was to prevent the irs coming after me for back taxes, and to help me against ever having to pay cs for a child I am not responsible for.
This attorney, without ever knowing bm, or our case against her said this..."to some people, cs is never enough, and no matter what you pay, they always want more..."
Our guardian ad litem said this when meeting in person with both dh and bm, and when he realized how senseless bm was, he sent her home, and spoke one on one with dh. He said..."look dh...you are a really good father, and the only reason bm wants ss to live with her is b/c of the money. Unfortunately, a judge is not going to give you custody. I'm a lawyer, and I can't even keep custody of my own kids. Once she realizes that the money doesn't go too far, she'll be sending you your son." So far, it's been true.
They Can Wish All They Want
I actually felt sorry for our bm, as she was dumb as a rock. Our two household and incomes were quite different, and she only saw us having two homes, traveling a lot ect. But my income exceeded my husbands because of rental property, and other sources that she knew nothing about. The dummy assumed my husband was making good money and that she would get good child support, which if that were the case she would be right. So yes they asked for his tax statements and his last 3 pay checks, and got $30. more a month which made it $330. I think livid would be a good way to describe her after the order, and when I figured out what she paid her attorney it was a wash because the child would be 18 in 5 years, LOL. BTW she had us served 3 months after our child was born so what does that say, but we chose to work hard and be wise with our money. She chose to be a scammer, and today thats gotten her a old used car and a low income rental. I don't get those kind of people, but its mostly about envy/jealousy and revenge and they have the same opportunity as the rest of us to be sucessful. Guess its that half full half emty theory.
I've gotten different answers also
I also live in WA state. My husbands last and second wife before me was very concerned about my husbands first wife getting a hold of her money. The legal workaround they used was for her to "not" tell my husband how much money she makes. That way he couldn't fill it out on the CS forms.
Ex wife number two is extremely aggressive about money so I suspect she will try to go after my income eventually. I can use the trick of filing separately and not telling my husband how much I make. That way she will have to jump through a bunch of legal hoops to get any of that information which will cost her money.
I have been told twice by my husbands attorney that she can't go after my money. I stand to make a lot more money than my husband nets because he has two ex's in the picture that get half his income.
My plan is to avoid any of my husband's children finding out that I am employed for as long as possible. I am pretty serious about not sharing my hard earned income with women who intentionally alienate me from my skids. I would legally divorce my husband before I would share with them. I am willing to pay an attorney a lot of money to avoid that step though.
I know that sounds harsh, but the situation is pretty knarly. I've spend 6 years in college and getting a certificate plus training in all kinds of software. I'm not willing to give my earnings to someone just because they had a kid with my husband during a previous marriage.
Well, thanks for all the input once again.
// Susanna
"One breath at a time is an acceptable plan."
Ani DiFranco
If your attorney says
that she can't go after your income, then just trust him and stop losing sleep over this.
It's okay to know what you going up against, but to some degree, I think you are having an internal panic attack over a situation that will not happen.
What our attorney told us...bm is entitled to "know" you financial info, but your income can not be used when determining cs. I do the same as you, I don't share my financial info with in-laws or ss, I keep my fincial income out and away from bm's ears, always have and always will. We bought a business vehicle, and at the same time she and her bf broke up, so what was next? And audit to see if she was entitled to more cs. Fortunately, I was on maternity leave, and then FMLA, so I technically wasn't earning an income, so I couldn't list my financial income. Of course when she learned that her cs was going down rather than up, she was mad, and then began withholding info about ss again...
So shallow...
My comment...stop losing sleep, your money isn't going to go to her...at least in our state.
Don't Worry
Everyone is correct, only hers and your DH's income is factored.
However, just make sure everything you both own is titled joint with right of survivorship, homes, accounts, cars ect. can all be titled as so. Because if your DH died it all transfers right to you and no one has a claim. If he has anything from before the marriage just make sure your name is added, again titled right of survivorship.
What I was told by my
What I was told by my attorney is that since he is living with this woman and she also has an income, the court can take that into account. It makes paying the bills less of a burden since there are 2 incomes. However, they cannot base the cs on your combined income. Does that make sense?
Susanna, I completle agree with you. I wouldn't want to do that either and I am not a step mom, just an ex but that certainly would not be fair.
I know in my case that it really is irrelevent how much his girlfriend makes because he makes in the high six figures. My ex has been trying to take away our daughters horse which is her passion in life. He is trying to say that he can't afford it. He does have a house that he owns and I have the old family house. He actually has less expenses now that we are divorced. We had a beach house which we sold and it was much more expensive than the home he has now so what a crock that he can't afford it.
Good luck
bio mom has no business....
knowing your income either. we just went through a child support issue and our lawyer made it clear that my income is non of bm's concern and that proof of bf's income needs to come from w-2's and not tax filings. this way bm only sees his income not mine. i was very happy with our lawyer because i make more money than bf and it makes bm crazy not to know what it is.
cs and ss its a crock
We just went through custody mediation and DF had to list my income on the report as well as my dependent BD who was Sr in HS. This is CA and they recalculated his SS and CS - the only advantage we got was having the SS 50% time - reduced the CS from 900 to 780. The SS stayed the same 1800. Since we arent married - it pissed me off big time. They used my income we he stated lower than actual (like 2k less per month than it is) and still got screwed. The only thing the judge put in the order was for BM to become self dependent because it is the law in CA. Oh brother. We are having major problems with his lying and crap especially since he tried to borrow money from his mother to pay the attorney bill - I found out because I intercepted the mail he was sending when he went out of town on a busines trip. Called him on flat on the carpet - and he lied - then finally after talking - he admitted it. His mother on the other hand - when he told her what I had done - was like "are you okay with that?" Like I had committed some crime or something. What about the crime of the men lying to us about what they have/dont have and how they use their finances??? Anyways - I do know in our case - we are engaged but not married yet - do cohabitate in my house - and it impacted the CS and SS decision because supposedly we share expenses - although I still pay for everything because he cant. Just my 2 cents.... I would say protect yourself!!!
Is hiding her income. We have solid proof of that but I can't go into it. Let's just say it is almost comical and honestly she thinks she is above the law. She thinks certain documents such as tax returns, bank statements should NOT be a factor in determining CS however any other proof of her income was obviously fake. I will get into this a bit more in detail after the court hearings. She wants BF to have total responsibility in the care of her children however that is not what our state requires.
I will not file a joint
I will not file a joint income tax, have any accounts together, I even kept my maiden name. I have not co-mingled ANYTHING until his children turn 18 so his X can't ever want anything of mine. I'm even willing to divorce on paper if she thinks she'll get a cent out of me. I can easily put her son on my insurance policy----but NO WAY. I don't want anyone to think that I am responsible for his & her children for a moment. They made them, they take care of their needs. I took care of my kids needs------NO ONE ELSE. Be careful what you give, because then it may be expected. & I am not mad, I am CAREFUL. I love my life because I am not responsible for their children other than smiling and being kind when I see them.
If I Knew This Before
I would never have filed together however it would have cost me big time. I am totally with you on this one. Smart move!!!
I don't think I was around
I don't think I was around the first time this was posted. It is Federal law that SOs or spouses income is not a FACTOR to be considered in the FORMULA for calculating child support. It can be a factor to be considered, but it is not in the formula. The only time the spouse's income is considered is if their individual income substantially increases the household income, like the spouse makes twice as much as the parent.
There is accountability to judges, but you have to have the money to appeal their decision. Also, the other accountability is election time. Remember, most judges are initially appointed by the gov., but after their first term they are elected - so there is accountability.
~ Katrina
The bottom line in our situation is that it appeared that the father could pay her more because my income factored into the decision - it made it look like he had more expendable income. He would have been better off on his own. The thing I dont understand is they have you do the expense declaration - but credit card and loan debt is not considered as outgoing......why is that? He assumed debts from their marriage approx 80k and is still paying it off. It seems that its really up to what judge you get in court that day and their decision. I know of a friend of mine who was in the same court system - and got a different judge - the wife wanted lots of ss - the judge admonished her and informed her within 1 year she had to be self sufficient and the ss would terminate in 3 years. They were married 15 years. In our case - fiance was married 13 years - separated for 4 and still paid all of her housebold expenses - and the ss only now has a stipulation that she must become self sufficient within a reasonably amount of time. Anyways just blabbing here. Thanks
It Happened To Me!
My husband went to court to get his child support lowered because he made a huge career change. The way we understood it, the law states that for one child he is required to pay 20% of his income. I had to divulge my income info and they took my income into the equation. We were told that there had been a "precedent" set in family court. If I had been a part of the proceedings I would have went off but I wasn't even there. The kicker is that we still got what we wanted, the amount was lowered. But, now she knows all of my info.
My information is none of her business. They have asked for it but I've never given it up. I guess they want to see how gullible I am...to bad for them I wasn't born yesterday. I didn't make the child and my income won't be used to calculate child support for her.
Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!
Only the BF and BM income is taking into account for child support. My BD16's father lives with his girlfriend and their son and her income does not count. I think he gets a small "deduction" for the son that lives with him but not much. Every 2 years in MN you get a cost of living increase and I get both of them this year. Yippee an additional 42 bucks a month. With the price of gas every bit helps.
Does anyone know about Minnesota laws on childsupport. Do they take the step-parents income into consideration? I've heard mixed reviews. The BM does not work, so will she get more $$ because of that?
I do I do I do
Step parent income is not considered. I do know that with the new laws in MN, January 2007, they can use potential income for either parent in factoring child support. You can PM me, if you get an account on here, with more questions or I can lead you in the right direction for answers.
I am the breadwinner in my household
As I am the breadwinner in the household and we have 2 chldren together and I have 2 bio sons and my dh has 2 daughters from previous relationships. My dh failed to divorce his wife until nearly 2 years into our relationship as he was in the USMC when he married this loser and she was in and out of jail on drug charges. She had another child with some other guy while they were still legally married. She is on welfare and now the state of FL deems my husband the legal father of this child and the cs system has no interest in determining parentage. We have asked for parentage determination but they do not even address it and are now seeking support from my husband for this child that he is not the bio father of. They are using my salary and want to see our joint tax returns which feels like complete bs on top of the fact that we are not getting cs from her for a child I have fully supported at times that she is the bio non-custodial mother of and my SD lives in my home. I make nearly double that of my husband. I just feel like screaming as we already have to pay child support for a child that I know is his and that I don't mind but for a child that he did not father seems obnoxious. Has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
My grandmother used to work
My grandmother used to work for FOC, and apparently, back in the day they were allowed to nab the step parents income if they were to get married with the payee. I think the way things are right now are fine, it wouldn't be fair in my eyes if they were to take the SP's money anyway.
Common Law and Property??
I am in a relationship with a man who has two children. Bm has custody. We live in Ontario and these questions and answers have been incredibly helpful. We have been reluctant to move in with each other specifically for the reason that we would be considered common law and I was afraid the bm would take us to court in order to get more child support because our combined income would exceed my partner's income alone. I am definitely the bread winner in the relationship and I am so afraid of being screwed over eventually.
I also wonder how owning property together would factor into the equation? Because it's a joint asset would BM be entitled to part of the earnings on the house if we were to sell?
I plan on seeking an attorney for advice on all of these issues but this site has been incredibly helpful. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear it!
Dont know about SM's but this SD had his income considered.
I have been SDad to my now 16yo SS since before he turned 2yo.
SpermDad, who has 4 out of wedlock Spawn by three different women (my SS is his oldest)gets a $1000.00 reduction in his income for the calculation of child support because the moron Family Law Judge ruled that "the StepDad earns a good living and SpermDad (my name for the idiot not the "Judges") should not be punished in order to help support an artificially elevated standard of living for the child".
WHAT THE HELL IS AN ARTIFICIAL STANDARD OF LIVING? My wife and I bust our butts to have a nice standard of living. There is nothing artificial about it. When compared to the subsistence level existence of the TOOTHLESSSPERMDAD it may appear artificial but our standard of living, like our teeth, is real.
This "Judge" is just another example that the bottom 10%ers of the legal profession make their careers in family law. IMHO of course.
I have never heard of SParent income being taken as CS but in our blended family situation my income was considered in order to reduce SpermDads income for CS calculation purposes.
Good luck and best regards,
Just Desserts
After we were married, BM pulled the same crap. She threatened to take DH to court to increase CS. So, a year later she did. I had looked into it extensively, called the mediation dept at the state of DE. Without giving any information about the case, just asking a general question...... They told me that my income would NOT be a consideration in CS. We tried to tell her that it was a mistake (well DH did, but as usual - she doesn't listen...she knows it all) and so she filed for a change in CS. In a most shocking turn of events (especially to her) the formula calculated a whole $88 a month....down from the $1008.00 a month he was paying. Wow, I guess that must have put her panties in a knot. DH called me, I gloated for a couple of minutes, and told DH that $88 a month wasn't enough, and that he should agree to pay her $200 a month. She had the nerve to complain about it, that it wasn't enough, and he should consider more - (this coming from the woman who is going to Disney in April - minus one of her kids
and vacations 2 times a year to the Outer Banks.... whatever :() ) What comes around goes around!
In the State of Oregon it
In the State of Oregon it can. But.....only under certain circumstances. My understanding is the salary of the step parent must be very high in comparison to the other household. These things can always be fought, just because a ruling is handed down does not mean it can't be overruled.
Oregon is on its way to be the first communist state.
I am a StepDad and my income is considered by the Peoples Communist Republic of Oregon in calculation of CS for my SS. My wife has custody and receives CS from Bio-Dad (Long term readers please note the change in my reference to the ah-hem "Dad". No prefix was used noting the fluid he donated for the kid.)
Bio-Dad gets a $1000.00 reduction in his income for the calculation of CS for my SS because, as the Idiot Oregonian Judge said, "StepDad makes a good living and Bio-Dad should not be penalized by having to help support an artificially elevated life style for the child." MORON! WHAT THE HELL IS AN ARTIFICIALLY ELEVATED LIFE STYLE ANYWAY? My wife and work our tails off to provide for each other and our son. I have no use for either of the "Judges" I we have appeared before in Oregon in reference to my SS's Custody/Support/Visitation case. Though we have always gotten primarily what we were after I get threatened with contempt for refusing to provide information on my income. But, rather than letting the idiot Judges put me in jail I ultimately cave in.
So, in my experience you are absolutely correct that Step income can be considered for the calculation of CS in Oregon.
It can be overturned on appeal if it is cost effective to go after an appeal. At least in my experience. In our case if overturned it would have only increased my SS's CS from Bio-Dad by ~$50.00/mo which was not worth the ~$5,000.00 it would cost us to appeal.
Best regards,
Actually, yes it can be a
Actually, yes it can be a factor in the state of Michigan. My sister re-married and her current husband's income was enough for her to not have to work anymore. She was ordered to pay $75.00 monthly until the BF requested a case review and now the SF's income is withheld for her daughter as well as his own BS $125.00 wkly.
Not in WI
We asked our attorney before we were married. He said no, it will go on the BD only. And if we have 3 or kids of our own CS will go down for BM based on the fact that we have a lot of other child related expenses.
I live in California and
I live in California and would like to know from anyone whether or not me as a stepmother could have my income factored into my husbands child support. I have no children...make more $ and my husband has 2 children. Please advise...Thank you
In California the step
In California the step parents income is not factored in. There are exceptions, but it rarely happends. I suggest you keep your incomes separate & file taxes separately.
It can't happen legally but
It can't happen legally but I think attorney's and judges have an unwritten or unspoken rule somehow to take the Step parents income into account. My DH updated his financial advadit showing how much he is paying in rent, food, etc... the lawyers and judges actually said you live with your wife.. so they somehow sneak little things in there that isn't written but that is why the stepparent always feel they are being taken advantage financially. It is the nickel and diming that really get to you.. So from my experience there won't be any law written that says you can take the step parents income into account paying child support they find ways that are unwritten.
In Canada, where I live, it
In Canada, where I live, it is only the ncp's income (not including their spouse) that factors in child support. This is fair imo. This way, if the bm decides to quit her job we don't have to pay her more. If she wants to work and better herself, then she does not lose child support. In this system the ncp pays what he can afford, period. There are tables that tell a judge exactly what the ncp should pay...It keeps the drama out of the courtroom as well!
The child support awarded is approximately 10% for one child, 17% for two, or 24% for 3, plus a portion of extraordinary expenses such as daycare. It is reasonable.
It isn't good in Canada, as
It isn't good in Canada, as previous poster suggested My husband pays 17.5% of his GROSS income in CS for 2 kids, but who lives on GROSS income?! Nobody, it's not real, in fact, after taxes CS is 25% of his income. Then they add on day-dare, medical and dental, and all kinds of "extras". If the moms move away with the kids, they don't have to share access costs (though many do). But if they are difficult, NCP's pay for access costs 100%, even if BM moved away with the kids. In reality, BM takes over 1/2 my husbands income.
On paper it sounds OK, but in reality it SUCKS and is much more than most people know, cause the table amounts (as quoted in the above post) are based on one child, with no "extras" added and calculated on the payors gross income. Then the payor gets NONE of the tax benefits of credits for supporting his kids, only the CP's get that. In reality, I know almost NO payors in Canada that pay less than 35% of their take-home income. It is too much.
And although they are not "supposed" to factor in a new spouses income, there are disturbing reports that they are starting to do this. I really think it is up to us "second" wives to exposes the problems with the current CS system, as they system seems designed to let the BM's live off child support and have no accountability (if they want to), yet the paying fathers work their A$$ES off just to pay CS that may (or may not) even be benefitting his kids!
I believe the step parents
I believe the step parents income is considered in terms of running the household. For example, let's say in your new job you took over paying all of the household bills. Your husbands monthly debts would suddenly go way down which means his support amount could be reconfigured based on the amount of disposable income he now would have.
In my case (Custodial
In my case (Custodial StepDad) my income is factored in order to lower SpermDad's CS obligation to our Son (my SS).
According to the moron in the black robe "StepDad makes a significant income that provides an artificial standard of living for the child. (SpermDad) should not be penalized by having to support an excessive standard of living for the child". He then gave BioDad a $1000/mo credit on his income (lowered it) for calculation of CS. This only made ~$50/mo reduction in CS which is nothing for us. It is the priciple that DipShit benefits from my income that pisses me off.
My wife had SS at 16 and went on to graduate HS with her class, finish a BS with honors, an MBA with honors and is now a CPA.
DipShit started his staturory rapist career with my wife and SS andwent on to spawn 3 more out-of-wedlock children with a total of three different women (two were under age when the kids where born one was my wife) the youngest three he dumped on his mother's (SpermGrandMa's) door step. And ...... SpermGrandMa has always paid DipShit's CS obligation for our Son (my SS). He lives in a property the SpermGrandParents own rent free and works as a plumber so he can afford to pony up for his inability to keep his pecker in his pants. He chooses to be a DirtBag.
The fact that an idiot in a goofy black robe would let that worthless piece of shit benefit from my income just pisses me off.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
My DH is a househusband and I
My DH is a househusband and I work, so I pay his CS anyway and because I am his source of income they do take a small portion of my taxes for CS but that's because we file married-joint. Even with them taking some of it we get a bigger tax return doing it this way. (Michigan)
My DH and I have two business
My DH and I have two business together. Yes, my income is calculated including the CS that I get from my ex into his CS. The reasoning? The courts say that because we own our own company together it is too hard to determine who's income is who's including my CS. Therefore, we have filed for an appeal based on this idiot judge who can't do math! I own half, therefore, half the income is mine. Not hard but this judge thought the BM was destitute and felt sorry for her. Now we get to pay 10K to dispute this stupid ruling and of course the BM is suing us for her attorney bills to fight it.
They are really not supposed
They are really not supposed to do anything with the spouses' income in most states, but I have had some frustrating experiences. At one point BM was trying to say that FDH has all this "hidden money" and that his support should be higher (at this point he was paying $876/month for one kid while making about $27,000/yr). She brought up the fact that we bought SD a nintendo wii for Christmas that year, so we must be loaded. FDH told the court that I purchased the wii (which I did becuase he obviously never had money paying her so much CS) and the court told him that maybe I should be chipping in to CS then as well! His lawyer quickly disputed that comment, but I was shocked it was even said. What are we supposed to tell the kid? "Sorry santa and daddy and I couldn't get you any Christmas presents becuase your mom is an evil bitch who takes all of daddy's money and spends it on herself??"....that probably wouldn't go over well. My advice would be research your states rights and run it past an attorney. If anything is brought up in court about it, dispute it immediatley. The court will let lots of illegal and unfair things slide if you don't watch out for yourself.
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