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I'm probably telling way too much but I have to get it off my chest.

BMandSMto6's picture

SD13 does not flush the that gross or what? All the other kids that are older and younger know how to flush. I've talked to DH about it before but he just doesn't get that it's gross. I'm almost tempted to take his toothbrush and run it in SD's urine unflushed toilet just to teach him a lesson but I won't. I guess I'll deal with it and teach my own kids right and hope that the skids will notice and follw in their step-siblings foot steps.


Kb3Hooah's picture

My daughter had this same bad habit. Anytime she would forget, I would make her turn around and flush the toilet herself, I don't care if it was two hours later that I noticed it. Then she was given the duty to scrub the toilets for a week. Needless to say, it doesn't happen that often anymore. Smile

“Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.”

andrea's picture

HOw old were they when you made her scrub the toilet. I brought that up to DH and he said that when SS is older and if he still has the problem that might be a solution. SS is only 7 so Idk if it would be okay at his age.

Squillion's picture

Cause 1's I could handle... maybe she's a hippy. Maybe she's worried about global warming and saving the panda bears and thinks that peeing in the same pot without flushing makes Al Gore happy.

But 2's? Nah... dad would be dragging his butt back in there to flush it himself.

Sita Tara's picture

BS 15 will plunge for a half hour before letting anyone see what he's done in the toilet. SD?

Forgets she was anywhere near the toilet once it's served it's purpose. Natural consequences did prevail though. My son took it upon himself to leave 8 x 10 size note taped on the inside of the lid saying-

SD- YOU may take care of THIS.

Then he stopped using that toilet. BS 12 called down and asked if he could use the toilet again because of the note. Evidently though, SD had plunged it away.

Of course she thought I wrote the note otherwise she wouldn't have done it. I am thinking I may need to leave little notes around the house (not just for SD btw, but for every other member in the household, except the dog who cannot read as far as I know.)

reeny511's picture

SD10 leaves it for anyone to see -- that's #1 and #2's!!! I just found out she leaves #2 because her BM told her it would soften it and then she will be able to flush. Her #2's are so BIG and hard it ALWAYS clogs the toilet. Only problem is she never goes back to flush!! GROSS!!!!!!

Sita Tara's picture

I remember one of mine where we all were discussing more fiber less sugar, etc etc.

It seems to be another universal issue. Not sure why! But it's not a problem with my BSs. I mean they clog toilets because they are BOYS and BS 15 is a full grown man size person. But like I said, they would be mortified to have even ME see what they did. SD doesn't care. It's almost as though she thinks so little of us that she feels we deserve to find nasty feminine hygiene products or (before she finally stopped bedwetting at 12.5) soaking sheets, goodnights, underwear pee soaked AND a nasty feminine hygiene product left in...


Her room's a mess, the BOYS don't wanna use the bathroom after her- water all over the floor b/c she doesn't towel off enough and stands dripping.

I could go on and on with the grossness.BSs have a few idiosyncrasies as well, but not nearly as many, and if you catch them at it or find it they are totally embarrassed and remorseful.

SD looks at you like, "YEAH. SO!? You can't take care of THAT?"

I hear you and I feel your pain!