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Is it me or is this bizarre behaviour?

Orchid91's picture

Yesterday I was looking after SS6 and my bio son (2 months) while DH worked.

BS was laid on his playmat on the floor, SS was playing nearby with his toys. I was in and out of the room doing general tidying up. I walked into the room they were in and SS had pulled his pj bottoms down and was squatting over my bio son with his bare bottom in my sons face. On seeing me walk in he jumped up and shot across the room while pulling his pj bottoms back up. I was on the phone to SIL at the time so told her. She found it hysterically funny whereas I found it more....disturbing.

I tried (and later on DH tried) asking what he was doing and he just refused to talk, which is what he always does when he is in trouble.

Anyway am I over-reacting to this by finding it disturbing and not in the slightest bit funny!? I don't want to leave him alone with my son in the room now. SIL's reaction has me wondering if its just what boys find funny.

On another note SS got in trouble tonight after telling me to throw my crying baby out the window. Personally cannot wait for him to go home at 6pm!


Orchid91's picture

I think so too. He has actually been fine about the baby up until this weekend but something has clearly changed.

boogeymom's picture

Jealousy. Kids do crazy stuff when a new baby comes along. It'll wait for a few weeks or a few months until the older kid finally gets it in his or her head that this baby is here to stay and isn't going anywhere, and that's when the big guns come out. It may last a while, depending on how stubborn your SS6 is, but at least he knows it's wrong and that it's something he'll get in trouble for, it's not like he thinks it's okay. I'd be more concerned if he thought it were something normal to do. I wouldn't want to leave them alone either, if I were you.

SteelRose's picture

I raised two boys and though they were bio brothers there was some curiosity at the younger age. Once I caught obs pulling ybs's penis in the tub. They were about 6 and 3 at the time. I told obs that he would not like his penis to be pulled by ybs would he? and after that he pretty much was done taking baths with ybs. I'd say he might have thought he was showing off his penis to the baby thinking baby would be impressed. Don't make a big deal of it and just say that the baby doesn't like him to get his bottom close to his face. Make it simple and the lesser deal you make the lesser deal he will make in his head. Kids are curious and also boys can be show offs with their privates and like to compare, etc. It's guy stuff and starts young. Just watch them more closely.

Yosemite's picture

I have boys and a brother and lots of cousins. I would say he was trying to dominate the baby, either he was going to fart or showing the baby he's the boss and can put his tush in his face if he wants.
Dad needs to talk to SS, let him know that baby is not replacing him and that his behavior towards baby is not acceptable. It might help if Dad make point to spend time with SS and start seeing if there are things he can "teach" the baby, to get him feeling more ownership as a big brother. Try to invoke that protective instinct vs. the competitive one. I'm not sure I'm explaining it well, haven't had my caffeine yet but I hope that's helpful.