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O/T : Windows 7 "black screen of death"

sunbeam0901's picture

Does anyone know how to fix this without the ridiculous charge of Geek Squad? I've tried googling repairs and watching YouTube vids but I'm not computer savvy in the least so I've gotten nowhere. Please share any tips or links that you know of that have worked for you. Thanks!


sunbeam0901's picture

When i did that, it said "windows is loading files" then went to a black screen again and did nothing. Sad

Sunflower1's picture

Some operating systems have different prompts for safe mode, double check for your system.

sunbeam0901's picture

Thank you all for your suggestions. I'm still working on it. I appreciate your help!

cant win for losin's picture

The Ask Brian page on facebook. Go there. Amazing help and knowledge.

Casandra's picture

Some of the new features included in Windows 7 are advancements in touch,speech,and handwriting recognition,support for virtual hard disks,support for additional file formats,improved performance on multi-core processors,improved boot performance,and kernel improvements.