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Covering Skid on your insurance

msg1986's picture

Since getting married I've added Dh to my insurance thru my employer because it's cheaper for us. Right now Dh isn't required to cover Ss5 and thus far it hasn't been an issue with Bm. (Ss5 is covered fyi). I was thinking though that if Dh is ever required to cover Ss5 or if Bm cannot cover him, we'd just add him to mine because my premium doesn't change with adding children, it's a locked rate for families and it's great coverage. My question is, have any of you ever done this and if so did it work out well. I mean, we'll cross that bridge when it comes but I guess the thought crossed my mind of if I'll being liable if Bm purposely tries to rack up a bunch of uunnecessary doctor visits/bills etc. I know this may never come up but i'm just curious.

msg1986's picture

That is a good thought... I'd have to wait until open enrollment though because it's been more than 60 days since we got married and that's the time frame we have. I'll talk to dh about this though. Thanks for the thought Smile

Sweet T's picture

The skid are on my insurance because mine is better & cheaper than either of their parents plus I don't pay anymore to have them on then just the 3 of us. That is the only reason they are on mine. If it would have inconvenienced me they would have remained on their mothers crappy insurance Smile

msg1986's picture

Yeah, so far it hasn't been an issue and she's kept him covered but if it comes down to it considering it doesn't increase anything we'll just add him to mine.

QueenBeau's picture

Bm had sd6 on medicaid. I added her to our insurance. It didn't cost anything extra & now she is double covered, our insurance as primary and crappy welfare medicaid as secondary. BM won't remove her from it, even though our insurance is VERY good & all you need to pay for routine exams, her glasses, etc is ZERO dollars. Smh.

tryingmom's picture

The skids were covered under my insurance for a year, in that year she tried to call the insurance company and pretend she was me so she could get another card with her name on it. The wench tried to add herself so she could go to the drs. One year, with 35 EOBs/ 2 hospital stays and an ambulance ride for the skids, which she set DH up as the person responsible to pay. She never pays the co-pays. DH covered them on his insurance the next year even though it was more expensive, he was shocked as to how many times she used and abused the insurance and didn't want my name associated with BM's problem.

BM now has the skids on Medicaid on top of DH's insurance. She likes the Medicaid as she doesn't have to pay any of those pesky co-pays for visits or prescriptions herself. She only uses DH's insurance for the skids to see their PCP for refills on their ADHD meds. She is committing fraud and will get caught sooner or later.

msg1986's picture

This is what I'm afraid of as far as bm trying to call and pretending to be me or trying to add herself.. I could totally see her doing that. I suppose if we did add him and she acted that way I could just drop him and have Dh would worry about it.

Unfreakingreal's picture

DH has SS20 on his policy, I have my own policy for me & BS15. I prefer not to mix things like that in case God forbid things go sour.
He tried to put SD12 on his policy but BM said NO because she has medicaid and she doesn't want to pay for co-pays etc...So I leave it alone. Not my problem.

QueenBeau's picture

They can't. Pretty sure it's illegal, at least in our state, for a parent to be able to afford insurance for a reasonable price & not provide it. Medicaid for SD is secondary because BM is too cheap to pay a 5 dollar copay so she makes the state do it. When SD is here, we never use the medicaid. 1, we don't want to ask BM for cards, 2, she's already milking the state/federal govt for enough for SD & we don't want to participate in it.

Better look into it, because if medicaid finds out (in our state) they can make you pay back the cost of the insurance for the amount of time you have had affordable coverage available to the child.

Unfreakingreal's picture

It's by no means affordable, but I did tell DH that I think he is supposed to put her on anyway. I'll tell him again, but at the end of the day, I really could care less about that mess they have going on. The fact that BM lives in one state and us in another might be why the info hasn't been shared.

NevermoreLenore's picture

My husband carries my children on his insurance. It hasn't caused any problems.

Drac0's picture

SS is covered on my work's group insurance plan too. Hasn’t cost me anything (other than the premiums I am already paying for the family plan). It hasn't been an issue since Donkeykong has never once taken SS to see the doctor, dentist, etc. In fact if you ask Donkeykong who is SS's pediatrician, he will most likely give you a blank stare.