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could sd11 have had sex?????

startingover2010's picture

about 2 weeks ago, sd11 needed to use the bathroom but i was in the middle of bd3's bathtime, so i let her pee real quick (we're all girls). when she wiped she said "uh-oh" and when i asked what she was uh-ohing about, she said that there was some blood on the t.p. just a few light streaks, no clots or nothing. anyways, here i thought she began her period, so i rush out to buy her pads, gave her the talk, congradulated her on entering womanhood, ect.

the next morning, the pad she wore all night was bone dry and unstained. when she used the bathroom upon waking up, nothing was on the wipe. it was almost as if the previous night's events had never happened.

when we told her aunt and uncle about it, they asked if her hymen had broken. when i told my friends, both asked if sd had had sex. so now i am thinking the extreme possibilities of why what happened implantation bleeding???? molestation???? sd11 has been a little raving bitch since birth so i cant even say if her behavior is a result of hormones and this was her beginning her period. i mean, i got mine at 11, and when it started it really STARTED. it was so heavy and last 7 days, i missed a whole week of school cause of it. now i know, sd and i arent from the same gene pool but all my friends have said their periods began the same way as mine.

what can this be? we called the family dr but since she hadnt been seen since 2007, they cant give us any info or suggestions over the phone, they have to see her first. her insurance has been messed up and bf took care of it but it hasnt registered in the dr's computer system yet. so we have to wait. anyone have any suggestions???? sd has been interested in boys since she was like 5, and i mean really interested.

ReadySetNot's picture

I dont know about your situation but you could try talking to her and giving her the birds and the bees chat, then offer birth control and a trip to the OBGYN.

Amazed's picture

spotting is common when you're young and starting your period or just about to start your period. Definitely talk to a doctor about it but from what I know spotting is a natural occurance when your body is adjusting to new hormones.

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

KeepTrying's picture

I can remember that happening to me at 11 or 12 a couple times, but didn't have a full period until 13. I was not sexually active. Think my SD had a similar situation.

Look for other signs, but i wouldn't worry too much about it.

Sia's picture

riding a horse, playing sports, and other activity, sex isnt the only way. When I was 11, after riding my horse, I spotted a little. My doc said it was the broken hymen and not to worry about it. A year later, I started my period. I wouldn't be concerned about it.

andrea's picture

She could have had sex or been been sexually active in some other way, but it may be kind of "false-alarm" I started randomly spotting when I was about 10, it happened maybe every 3 or 4 months and only a small amount once. I didn't actually start my period until around 12 so... she may be getting ready to though, so you might want to explain what to do if it does happen at school or something.