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go to mediation?

sixteensmom's picture

dh and attorney invited me to attend mediation.
it'll be a five minute meeting so i cant see it being worth anyones time.

I've been wanting to stay as far away from the courtroom as possible because it's not my fight and I simply don't care about the outcome. In the grand scheme of things, she can't make me nuts or bother me in anyway... she can't impact our finances or happiness. they think i should go because i have a fantastic memory for details and dates and can help him recall things the stupid munch did when she brings up lies after lies. and i'm a little witty Smile

i've never been to anything to do with this stuff in 12 years.

I'd kind of like to go if it means it would bug her Smile

she's fighting like mad to get at my financial info... she'll never get it.


whatwasithinkin's picture

I was just in court last week with my ex, and his wife sat in the back of that court room during oral arguements and ran her mouth the whole time. She has no legal say in the matter of MY children.

I have been in court with DH and his ex. I would never ever dare to open my mouth ever in that situation. So only speak when spoke to and you should be cool.

And I dont know about your BM but I could care less if the new wife/girlfriend is at court, really the ex's new wife doesnt really affect my day either way.

sixteensmom's picture

it would be fun to watch her go nuts trying to kick me out, lol. he he he she is such a dumbass