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A bit OT...but related our fathers

herewegoagain's picture

It hit me like a lightning bolt and woke me up. I went to bed wondering what to do...

So I am wondering, for those of you whose DH takes you for granted and you continue to chug along, for those whose skids disrespect you and your DH does little to nothing to stop it, for those of you whose in-laws treat you like crap and your DH does not stand up to them, to those of you living this hell for more than a couple of years...

What type of father did you have? Mean, abusive, treated you like crap or the total opposite?

What type of relationship do you have with your father now?

ME? Mean, physically and mentally abusive...have a courteous, if you even want to call it that, relationship with my the way, similar with my mother. I can not see them for a year, when I go visit they are super nice in front of others but by day 3-4, they basically ignore me completely.

I met some wonderful men before DH and still remember them saying that those guys were too nice or too smart or too good looking for me...

In front of others, as an adult, things are different...but in reality nothing has truly changed.

My DH? Nicest person on the plane in front of others, helps others any chance he gets...everyone thinks I am mean and he's a saint...they have no clue he is so passive...He has improved greatly, but I no longer have the patience to wait...I wish I would have left years ago and right now trying to save, etc and plan my escape if he does not change by the time I am independent again.


Kes's picture

I can see what you are getting at - we go for the same type of emotional attachment with our husbands as we had with our fathers. Probably broadly true. My father adored me when I was his little girl (and only daughter, plus the youngest child) - lost interest when I hit puberty and became distant, but still not too bad a relationship, on the whole. My relationship with my mother, was virtually non existent. She ignored me and I hated her.

My DH and I are very close when the SDs are not around - then when they are I am somewhat ignored. But he doesn't allow them to disrespect me, generally. There have been notable exceptions and he is a bit lily livered about laying down the law to them.

herewegoagain's picture

Again this is interesting to me, as we see the major impact that a "wild" woman has on the children and mostly blame her for it...Again, not making 100% excuses for the behavior, but what you state rings true for me in many ways too. With my DH being so passive, as you have stated that your Dad should have "put her in her place before"...I know that from my view, right now my DH claims to be trying and although I have seen some improvements, the resentment for the 13 years of him being so passive will not allow me to give him much of a chance. The first mistake he makes, I lose it. Feeling like I have had to carry the burden of our well-being, etc. throughout these 13 years has truly worn me out where I am sick and tired of "taking care of him". I want him to change immediately at this point. He's hard 13 years to change, his choice if he has chosen to change NOW...So I can see that if he became ill, I could actually be very upset and not too nice to realize that now I would have NO CHOICE but to continue taking care of someone whom has never really taken care of me...Does that make sense?

Kes's picture

Your mother sounds a lot like mine, Outtahere. I wouldn't call her vicious, but definitely narcissistic and extremely selfish. After my father died in 1999, I asked her about 6 months later if she missed him, and she said "only when she was doing the crossword" ie to ask him clues. This was not a joke on her part, deadly serious - sad.

I felt nothing but sheer relief when she died in 2010 aged 92, she had dementia for the last 5 years or so, but if anything that made her a bit less horrible.

furkidsforme's picture

Now I'm stuck trying to figure out what kind of Dad I had.

Dad- well, he's funny, he's always been my favorite, he puts up with a lot, but has a short temper you never see coming when he does snap. He is also never clear about how he feels, never puts his foot down, and often does not stand up for what is right. He will lie or cheat to look good.

And now I think you are correct. I married a version of my Dad.

My DH is an ok guy. Not excellent, nothing outstanding here. He's not a dirt bag but he's also not of the best integrity and sort of lives by the "it's OK if you don't get caught" rule. (I'm a "right is right and you always do right even when no one is looking" type- at least I try very hard to be) He's sort of fun. He has no discernible personality or interests of his own, and tends to absorb the personality of those around him. He doesn't stand up for what is right, pretty much ever. He never takes the hard road, even when it is the right road. He likes to play smoke and mirror games and is rarely honest with others (let alone himself) about how he feels or why he does things. He just always wants to come out looking the good guy, even if that means stepping on someone else's back. Even mine sometimes!

So yeah, I married my Dad. Fuck.

herewegoagain's picture

It is interesting to me because my husband "seems to be" everything my father is my Dad was very mean and controlling and my DH seems to be the opposite, which is the reason I thought he was perfect...but as time goes by I realize he is not much different than my father, except he does it in a different way...sigh.

My mother is actually extremely smart, much more than my father...she was short 1/2 a semester to graduate with both a science and art degree when she married him and quit school. I was extremely successful before DH came along. As I wanted to continue my life, he always claimed to be proud of me yet discouraged me every step of the way when I attempted to continue my involvement in things I was passionate about and which also helped me professionally with the "excuse" of we would have less time reality I see now how he is always trying to out do me and when he can't, he treats me worse or stays quiet when others do...almost to break me down. Really, no different than my father. My father did it as "you are an idiot and deserve nothing", my DH does it as "I love you so much I want you to spend more time with me" he knows I received zero love from my father and by him using that, he can hit me where I am most vulnerable.

herewegoagain's picture

This is interesting. You know, it is strange how we can see it in others' spouses, etc. but not in our own. My sister married someone very similar to my father...she is now divorced. Mind you, my father worshipped her and still does, but he controls her with kindness instead...same as her ex-husband did for 20 years. Her daughter is now pregnant...when I met the baby's father I didn't like him one bit...he reminded me so much of my sister's ex...I feel sorry for my niece, who is the sweetest girl in the world...she has no idea he is really a controlling ahole...Hopefully, she'll wake up quicker than my sister and I did...sigh

furkidsforme's picture

This is a great thread, I love reading everyone's comparisons as they out it all together. Anyone out there fell they did it right and NOT marry a version of Dad?

Kes's picture

Second time around, I got it right. I think first time around, would you believe, I married a version of my hated mother!!!! My DH this time, however, is much more like my Dad, with whom I got on much better.

herewegoagain's picture

Unfortunately, I did marry a version of my dad in many ways.

I did date other guys while single prior to DH. NONE OF THOSE GUYS were ANYTHING like my father or DH. I remember even talking to my Dad about "I will never marry someone who drinks, I will marry someone who helps his wife, I will marry an equal, I will marry someone who can take care of himself, etc"...My father's response? He literally started laughing. He told me "sure, are living in fantasy land and that will never happen...if there is a guy like that out there, he's probably gay anyway...and to put up with you?"

I dated these guys who were very nice to me but also took charge but my DH literally swept me off my feet...sigh...Now I understand how unhealthy that "swept off my feet was"...

sterlingsilver's picture

wow this got me to thinking...

my xh seemed morelike my dad way back when we were in our early 20s but turned out to be the opposite.

my dh is more like my dad, in fact I say that a lot to him! He cannot parent worth a darn. my mom always was the main disciplning parent while my dad was the spoil us rotten one. dh loves people and will do anything to help anyone and my dad was like that. I love that quality! dh is very charming and talkative and could talk the shoes off your feet so to speak and my dad was like that too. my dad would buy coffee for the pan handlers on the street corner, dh is always handing them $5 bills. both dad and dh have huge lovely hearts, but can't be organized well or spank a child, they just come home with chocolates and BBQ for the kids on the block. dh is a football coach and loves to give young people a good start in life and help them land on their feet, but his own kids struggle. dad did more for others then his own family alot too.

Weird how that works, how we chose our "dad" as a mate.

tryingmom's picture

This is an interesting thread.

My father was a Marine Corp DI, he was a fair man, instilled morals and great life perspective. I love my father, both my parents. My parents were the greatest examples of unconditional love for me. Both parents were teachers, so they were involved with so many kids other than their own. Patience, integrity, moral,fairness and unconditional love are my words to describe them.

When I got married the first time, I thought I had married someone like my Dad. My ExH was just a guy who was a Marine, never had integrity, never was faithful, didn't know what unconditional love was, sadly, he was from a family where love was bartered.

DH now is more like my father, although he has his flaws and we've had issues (mostly BM induced), he is calm, patient, has morals and integrity. He too came from a family that bartered love, but loves unconditionally.

I think I learned a lot the first time around and was single for a long time before I met DH. I knew what I was not looking for and found a man that shares a lot of the traits my father has.

misSTEP's picture

I'm a little opposite. I married someone like my mother and became like my father, pretty much.

My entire childhood, I was close to my father although he wasn't around as much as my mother. He worked so my mom could stay home and take care of me and the house. I quickly became an annoyance to my mother and I believe she was jealous of the closeness between me and my dad.

She had some anger issues and would scream at my dad (and me) a lot. My dad would pretty much ignore her. He did, however, treat her like a queen. Which she totally did not appreciate.

Surprisingly, they are still married, although my mom is on meds now and isn't so quick to fly off the handle.

My husband was a rager and I was the passive one. He got on meds and things are better now. Smile

Stepbell's picture

Misstep we may be related. Lol my mom is bipolar so it was always hard to get close to her. To this day I call before I even Attempt to drive 5 miles to visit. Good days I go. Bad days I stay away. Too much drama on the bad days. She has always been meaner to my dad. I never understood why he let her and just ignored it most of these years. I am closer to my dad because of her issues. He was just always the one I could talk to. But I have learned to pattern all the good from my mom too. I didn't marry anything close to my dads personality. My dads too passive. My dh is very outspoken ( except caves where youngest ss is concerned) but has a very outgoing personality and the good thing is he brings out the funny side of my dad when they are together. I love that since most never get to see that side of my dad since he's pretty reserved Good thread.... Very interesting reading all the comments

herewegoagain's picture

It is interesting to see how many state that their dad was passive and their mom the "wild" one. I read some about this, although I have yet to be able to find the book...There was a book titled Passive Men, Wild was written many years ago. In one article I read on the subject it talked about "what came first"...I think our culture tends to blame the "wild one" more than the passive one, especially when it is a woman. At least for myself, I have to say that while I dated guys that were NOT passive, I never felt my life spiraling out of control or had anger issues. Of course I got angry, but NEVER to the degree I get with my DH. I am not saying that him being passive is the ONLY reason for being this way, nor am I using it as an excuse, but I do see that our MAJOR issue, the one who drives me insane is him being so passive...that is when I lose it. By someone being so passive, to me, as well as other women I have read about it feels like complete lack of caring or respect. To men they are trying to avoid confrontation by being passive, but in reality it makes things much worse. My husband's complete lack of taking charge of his life, just seeing life pass by without goals, without a get it done attitude makes me insane. Of course, it makes me insane because I became a very strong woman, one who feels the need to be in control of her life. When I see someone just sitting around waiting for things to get done and they do nothing to make things happen, it drives me nuts. The option is literally for ME to take charge of everything and be exhausted while he enjoys his rest and peaceful life. In a way, although they might claim they are passive to avoid confrontation, the fact is that they also do it to avoid doing a thing...that way they have little responsibility for anything...which makes the woman the one responsible for everything related to a home. When only one person works, i.e. the man, then the issue is not as bad because it seems like a fair split, however, when BOTH people work and the man is just as passive or when the man does NOT work, like in my current case, then EVERYTHING falls on the woman. This is draining and thus gets me fired up. To outsiders I am just evil and he is a saint, but little do they know the weight I have to bear while he bears no responsibility or weight for our home.

PS - remember, there are TWO ways to control people...1. to be strong, yell, put down, abusive, etc... 2. to be kind and sweet talk them into what they want...We ALL know this, heck, some do it with their kids...but the fact is that BOTH are a way to control someone else...and many men, instead of showing how mean they are today, because they would be put in jail, instead go the other route and control women by being passive, nice, etc...