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Today is the first day I watch SS9 after school alone...

LauraHelton331's picture

Please look at my last blog for more info on that. I caved. In a strict way. A small part of me is looking forward to bringing this kid down to the reality that life is not Disneyland everyday, welcome to having Laura as your MOMMY!!! This should be VERY interesting, and I will update soon. Got my chore list almost done, and rules to lay out. This is either going to be the the best thing ever, or it will end my marriage. Literally.

STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stick's picture

I really hope (in my rainbows and butterflies way!) that this works out for you...

Best wishes and prayers to you girl!!


Crizzle's picture

Hope it all works out for you.

"If your going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down, if you're scared, don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there" -Rodney Atkins

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

We'll just hope this is the best thing ever!

Abigail's picture

Hope it all works out!

"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"

Everyones Interest's picture

I read the last blog and was wavering back and forth, swayed by some of the arguements that were posted.

Sooooo.....what are the details? Did you 'charge a fee'? What did you tell your DH and BM? Do they both now know that they can't make decisions that effect only you?


(Oh, and good luck...I hope this promotes bonding with SS.)