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DH is a dumbass

stressed-mom's picture

I can't tell if SD8 get her intelligence from BM1 or DH.


stressed-mom's picture

I am really upset with how DH has dropped the ball this time. I have been telling him since Jan that I felt SD8 needs a tutor. He was pretty convinced that SD8 knew how to do the work but was just being lazy and not wanting to do it. Last night SD8 brought home her final progress report before the end of school. She is failing everything. Ever single subject on the report was failed. When DH got home from work I gave him the report. He responds, "WTH she is failing everything!" No shit dumbass. I've been telling you that for months now. I don't know what is going to happen. I know that her school really hates to retain students and feels it hurts them more socially. Plus I'm pretty sure that if they were going to hold her back they would have contacted him about it by now. I have spoke with her teacher. Her teacher says yes she is struggling, but "its developmental". This kid will be in 4th grade. She doesn't know her multiplication or division. She can't tell time. She can't read a graph. She has no understanding of anything she reads. I have tried working with her, but she doesn't want to. She just starts yelling and crying. I kind of wiped my hands of it. But now I am concerned. I hate doing homework with her because its always a fight. I can only imagine if she goes into 4th grade still acting like she is in 1st grade.

I don't know. I'm just upset that DH took this long to actually figure out that Yes she is failing. She is in 3rd grade and has not a clue what is going on.


She's almost 9.
She has the maturity of a 3 year old.
And apparently the intelligence of a 1st grader.

Are you jealous yet?

stressed-mom's picture

Part of me thinks so. But I am unsure. She is in counseling and I have asked. Nobody acts as if anything is abnormal. She is already in a "special class". It was a 2 year program at her school that offered more one on one teacher assistance. She has had the same teacher for 2 years now. Part of me wonders if there is a problem, but the teacher doesn't want her for another year so she is just going to push her off on one of the 4th grade teachers. Shit I wouldn't blame her.

Starla's picture

Gawwd the same thing happened with my SD. My DH wanted SD to repeat I think it was first grade but her BM wouldn't allow it. The reasoning from the BM was that she didn't want SD to fall behind with her peers.. :jawdrop:

This girl is now 15, failing all classes, in special ed, lost her friends over a bad attitude, and now the schools are just pushing her through! For some kids, I swear that they can get all the help in the world but when they don't want it, its not going to change for them.

My advice is actually for your DH, do it while you can and the sooner..the better!!! Yes if you wait, it can end up being too late. Just my opinion.

stressed-mom's picture

I told him last night that schools kind of frown upon retaining students now. They try to just push them through. He said, "Then I'll hold her back."

Can he do that? Can he go to the school and say he wants her held back? BM isn't an issue. But what would the school do?