OT - SD told me something really sad today
SD told me that she doesn't trust her own mother (BM) to take care of her. Can you imagine? It is just very sad.
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SD told me that she doesn't trust her own mother (BM) to take care of her. Can you imagine? It is just very sad.
That is why the Skids have us. We care though we don't have to.
We care because we choose to make the Skids a priority in our lives.
It is very, very sad.
The two of you should go out for a girls day with girlie shopping and a nice lunch at a cool little bistro where you can give her nice frilly box with a little heart locket that says "I will always be there of you" inside.
That ought to let SD know who is in her corner.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Holly, Rags
Thanks for the replies. SD is 15 1/2 so she knows what trust is. And believe me, BM has violated that trust in the past so it was a big thing for her to be able to express it. SD also told me that she has spent her entire life "waiting for her mom... to pick her up (BM is always late - SD did not trust her to take her to an early exam, so I did it) ... waiting for BM to come home (coming home at 9pm when SD was 8 yrs old and alone) ... to waiting for her mom to GROW UP"... she's a very smart kid. Her counselor told us that DH and I care more about preserving, saving and working on SD's and BM's relationship than SD does herself. But I am not sure if part of that is due to her teenage years, and I don't want her ever to look back and say "I feel this way about BM because of you and DH"...
Rags - I LOVE that idea. Next week she has exams so that would be a great thing to do after one of her exams to relax her! Thanks AGAIN Rags!!
(Do you EVER get tired of all of the women on here thanking you and / or agreeing with you???) 
My wife calls STalk my "harem". She appreciates the advice I
get from all of the STalk Ladies (and the few Guys) and reads STalk over my shoulder regularly. She does not have an account (at least I don't think she does
) in large part because I don't think she wants to infringe on my STalk escape from the stresses of Blended Family life.
So, no. I do not get tired of the Ladies at STalk. And ..... you Ladies will never, ever, ever ALWAYs agree with a Man ..... Will you?????? Ha!
Thanks for putting up with me Ladies.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
No offense taken at all!! Please don't read it like that. I completely understand! I completely and wholeheartedly agree with the fact that we came into this knowing that we will have stepchildren and an ex wife to deal with. And I also agree that the exwife probably didn't have children just to lose the man she had children with and to see him with another woman! So a lot of times on here, I take the "keep the peace" approach. If you read my other posts, you'll see me saying that exact thing! So no worries! I hope that you are doing okay...