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What to do when DH is spending $$ on SK's dinners out

livinthedream's picture

I have always fought and been frustrated at the $$ DH spends on taking SK's out for lunches & dinners. We have discussed it sooo many times. Ive asked him to keep it at fast food joints, but he contined over the years to go to big $$ places. Recently, I started spending large sums of DH money on household expenses if I saw that he went out yet again & spent $$ on SK's dinners or department store expenditures. Keeping in mind that DH has a big CS payment every month!!! This new strategy of mine is working - plus I am getting stuff for the house too!


herewegoagain's picture

I would do exactly the same. CS is to support the child. 99% of the time, this means support for the full month...not just a few days...Thus, anything he spends on them is money he is double spending...

I think the best thing to do is to either buy something for the house or take the exact same amount of money out of your account and into a separate account...if he can still afford to pay all bills and have the dinners cost him twice as much, so be it...if it then seems like there is not enough money to pay the household bills, he needs to realize this and stop the spending...I would NOT tell him what I was doing...