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An idiot or just inconsiderate?

SisterNeko's picture

Everyone knows that Easter is this coming weekend, it's also a 'shared' holiday (according to CO) but BM made all these plans for SKids then got pouty when DH asked for them.

BM had said that she was taking the sKids some where because they don't have school on Friday. So she MIL started planning something to Saturday we told her the SKids would probably be out of town but she always has something on Sunday as well and DH told her that it was a shared holiday and we would get sKids early like we have the past 3 years!

meanwhile MIL said something about Saturday in front of SS7 this weekend and he got whiny - he was whiny all week. Because he told us that they were going to stay in and cottage and he would be there. MIL felt bad about staying anything to him about it but I told her it was fine and he needed to realize something. I set him on my lap and explained to him that it was unfortunate that he wouldn't be there and MIL would save him some Easter Eggs but he needed to realize that just because he isn't there it doesn't mean that things don't happen with out him. I told him the DH and I have a life and we do miss him when he's gone but our lives go on. I told him there will be an Easter Egg hunt Saturday with or weather he is there or not because it wouldn't be far to his cousins if we didn't. I know he is too young but it's a start.

Well we dropped them off with BM yesterday and DH told her that he wanted to pick sKids up early Sunday because MIL is having a dinner. BM got pouty and said that they had planned to go out with her parents in the morning (like they do every year) and then got over to her Hubby's (Chubby) family's in the after noon. DH said no I need them it's a shared holiday.

BM looked at Chubby and asked him if it would be okay, if they just stopped by his parents for a little bit once they got done with hers and he just shrugged and said 'ok'. I mean really what was he going to say? They are DH's kids and he wants them.

When DH got back in the car I asked him if he asked about Saturday - because it never hurts to ask. He said no but he called her and asked her just to be sure and she said that they were going to the hotel in a near by town with the indoor water park. He didn't asked when they would be back but she said they were busy so I told him to tell her that if SS7 swims in the pool she needs to rise him off after words because of his eczema to which she responded "yeah I know" - but she never does and he gets all broke out. sigh

note to self to pack a change of clothes and SS7's lotion on Sunday.

Also note worthy is DH said that Chubby seemed angry/annoyed the whole time that he was there, we think BM and Chubby are having issues and have been for awhile. We are waiting for SS7 to tell us that they are getting a divorce. Which I really don't want to happen because it will be very upsetting for sKids, not that they are overly fond of Chubby but BM makes them call him 'dad' or at least she did until a few months ago.