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Let the games begin....... again.

Rags's picture

Well, it is time to make travel arrangements for SS's summer visitation with the Sperms. SpermGrandMa called and began her whinny preface to the real discussion.

"Ticket prices are too high, hurry up and buy them before they go up!" Yadda yadda yadda, blah, blah, blah....

We told her the first time that she called that we needed her desired dates so we could work out the three family (mine, wife's, and the Sperm's) three state summer visitation circuit for SS. Hey, he is a popular kid in all three families and in high demand in the summer.

Now she is calling and leaving messages repeatedly. Call me, when do you want him, call me, ....... Of course she calls in the middle of the work day and we ignore it until she calls at a reasonable time that does not interfere with work, dinner, a movie, etc...... Listening to her increasing frustration has become somewhat of an enjoyable sport for me.

And where is SpermDad in all of this? No where to be found or heard as usual.

15mos and three weeks and we are out of the visitation business. This summer, Christmas, Spring and next summer .......DONE! No more visitation for the Sperms unless they pay for all of it and they can get SS to agree to miss out on the Rags family holiday, spring and summer activities. I predict that the last time he sees his BioDad and family will be summer 2010.

The idea is sad to me. I could not imagine never seeing my Dad again. But the toothless morons have earned it. In the over all scheme of things this is really not a huge deal but it is sooooo aggravating to have to deal with their manic swing from PITA manipulation to whinny victim.

Finally my SS will be able to move past the complete collapse in character and effort that he goes through after each visitation.

I can't wait to get out of the visitation business.

Best regards,


Rags's picture

BioDad does not know how to make reservations (pathetic I know), will call a few times then finally ask my Wife if she will just talk to BM because he is tired of being the go between. Eventually my wife feels guilty and just caves and talks to SpermGrandMa who will be sticky sweet for about 3-6mos then starts getting bitchy again.

I know, this is as much my wife's problem to fix as THEIRS but, it is what it is unfortunately.

Best regards,

Sasha's picture

Rags, I would have given anything to have had a real father-daughter relationship with my dad, but unfortunately it was not to be. I still at times wonder what could have been, and I am 46 years old! There are so many things that my dad missed out on (I am his only daughter)and it makes me sad when I think about those things. He only wanted to be my father once he was no longer responsible for me, and I had given him several opportunities to come clean with me, but instead he wanted to act like he didn't know what I was talking about. Eventually I had to make the painful choice of cutting him out of my life. He will never realize what he has missed. Too bad for him that karma is rearing it's ugly head, for he has been blessed with a son from his second marriage who is nothing but a common criminal. I hope he thinks about that and realizes that his first 3 kids are good people (okay, well maybe not my older brother ButtMunch) and he threw it all away.

Point is, your SS will see his dad for exactly what he is and he will thank his lucky stars or God or whoever is in charge of this crazy world that he had you for a (step)dad! You are aces in my book and I pray the Almighty blesses you and your DW and your family every day for the rest of your lives!

Rags's picture

to do it. I don't think twice about being SS's Dad. When I decided to propose to his Mom I knew I wanted to be his Dad and that it was a package deal. It is just the right thing for me to do so I happily do it.

Not to say that it is without its challenges as ever Sparent on the planet knows. But, I am blessed that overall he is a good kid and that he understands that I am his Dad.

I am sorry that you have had to deal with a difficult relationship with your own father. I have no way of knowing what that is like other than to see how a similar situation impacts my SS with his relationship with his BioDad.

I won the parent lottery and I know it. My Mom and Dad are fixin to celebrate their 47th anniversary and they make Ward and June Cleaver look like abusive spouses and neglectful parents.

I truly am a blessed and lucky man.

Best regards,