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I've Got That Pre-Visit Knot In My Stomach

WitchiePoo's picture

Ugh, the "what usually happens during a visit" scenes are running through my head. And this is the week we're instituting the limited-TV rule. BUT at least DH is off of work this week, and should be present during the day, which is not usual around here. I think I'll just go into disengage mode, and try not to sweat the annoyances. Earphones truly are a girl's best friend.

WitchiePoo's picture

Yes, I am. And it's wonderflul. DH is herding the skids tonight, and I can sort of hear the "fun" through my earphones. But prior to the visits I still get stressed out. They're not here on a regular schedule, so I almost never know when it's coming until the day before. I let myself get worked up, and I definitely need to address it.

Kes's picture

I don't get a knot in my stomach, but go around the house muttering curse words under my breath. Mainly directed towards you know who! }:)