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Dislike FH youngest son..Ms. Piggy's fault (LONG)

kaffonseca's picture

I don't know what the correct abbreviation would be.(for now I'll used "baby". He is not my SS as we are not married. FH has custody of one son that is 5 that I'm planning to adopt once we are married. The mother is nowhere in sight. Than he has a 2 yr old with a lazy leech I call Ms. Piggy. YEs, she is big but that is not why I call her that. She sits all day at home on myspace on a laptop that she RENTS and uses his child support to pay for it and stuffs her face all day. She used to watch my SS for FH afterschool after they broke up as she was there in his life since he was about 2 (mind you..she made FH pay her!)..anyways when I first came into the picture I'd ask him "how was your day" "what did you eat today for lunch" ALWAYS he told me "pancakes" and my dear SS also says it in a baby's voice. I asked FH why that is all he ate and he told me he's a picky eater. Now mind you..after about 2 weeks she stated she could no longer watch SS afterschool because he "Doesn't listen"??WTF! you helped raise him..your a parent. We both knew it was because she was being a b**tch cuz' of me. two months my SS has gained 9 lbs.! He eats everything I put in front of him. He still asks for snacks constantly..candy,chips..etc..cuz' that is all she'd stuff in his face.

On to why I dislike FH "baby". ALL he does at our house is whine and beg for juice and food all day. He hits his brother,my SS..because that is all the BM does..slaps them. MY SS has had issues with that in the beginning too..hitting others when he was mad. When I open the refrigerator door "baby" does not just ask for he stand there with his mouth wide open. He is 2 and weighs more than his brother. He goes into the frig and takes food out. It's sooo annoying. I'm sure I have resentment because the BM uses him to keep a string on FH..but he truly is annoying..and it doesn't help that FH treats him like a baby. He is there today with my FH at home and when I call all I hear is whining and screaming in the background from "baby". I don't even like going home..and stay out as late as I can when he visits!


step2three's picture

"Baby" acts like all 3 stepkids! They are constantly asking for juice and trying to eat anything they see ugh im even embarassed to take them around people they act like savages! I took oldest SD to my sisters the whole time she sat in the kitchen asking my sister for chips, fruit, anything she saw my sister told me she couldnt believe I put up with that crap! And what pisses me off the most is I pay for the food not H and they think there entitled to eat it all!