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Imagine a day....

misSTEP's picture

Imagine a day when the Family Court System is fixed.

Imagine a day when custody is automatically awarded at 50/50. Parents are innocent until proven guilty and both looked upon as competent parents, unless PROVEN otherwise.

Imagine a day when the CP denying visitation would be prosecuted as kidnapping...just as if a NCP did NOT bring the child back at the appointed time.

Imagine a day when Parental Alienation would be prosecuted as child abuse.

Imagine a day when CS was used for the CHILD and not as another source of income for the CP.

Imagine a day when the CP and NCP had to contribute the same amount to a fund for the child. They both received a debit card which was only able to be used on certain items (like a Flexible Benefit account card). CP could also get a portion of the rent/utilities, etc. at a certain legislated amount (i.e., CP can't live in a mansion when they can only afford an apartment). NEEDS would be paramount in getting paid. If there wasn't anymore money in the account, CP would be responsible for paying 100% and those would be considered WANTS of the child, not needs. Anything left over when the child ages out, goes to college or some kind of fund for THEM. Not to be spent frivolously by the CP on whatever THEY want.

Imagine a day where states did not receive a kickback from the Federal government for each dollar of CS they collect through their "system."

What a great day for children's rights that would be.

misSTEP's picture

Imagine a day when custody is automatically awarded at 50/50. Parents are innocent until proven guilty and both looked upon as competent parents, unless PROVEN otherwise.

What if parent had not been involved in child's life while married? What if this is motivated by decreasing CS?

Then this would fall under PROVING OTHERWISE. There would be no increase/decrease of CS. Each parent contributes equally.


Imagine a day when the CP denying visitation would be prosecuted as kidnapping...just as if a NCP did NOT bring the child back at the appointed time.

Since when are NCP's charged with kidnapping? Generally custodial interfence?

How many CPs are ever charged with ANYTHING?? Maybe a Contempt fine with a slap on the wrist.


Imagine a day when Parental Alienation would be prosecuted as child abuse.

PAS has been discredited by some, and rarely rises to child abuse. Please let's not minimize child abuse. If documented (what is normally meant by child abuse), it should be dealt with.

Emotional abuse is just as bad if not worse at times than child abuse. This can mess a kid up for life just like physical abuse. I am NOT minimizing physical abuse.


Imagine a day when CS was used for the CHILD and not as another source of income for the CP.

Child lives in house, uses part of house, etc. Children are not cheap.

Having a relationship with your child is priceless....but your words are cheap.

as123's picture

I disagree. If you cannot afford to support your children without CS, you need to take a look at your finances. Living within your means is important.

Also, I was witness to a situation where BM received over $1,000 a month in CS, lived with her parents (with the children) and did not use CS to care for the children, but instead spent it on going out with friends and boyfriends.

I like the idea of having a flexible spending account for children. That way both parents are aware of what the CS is being used for. It should be used for essentials -- groceries, rent, utilities, etc. Not for paying your cable bill or going out to eat with friends. Having both parents be aware of where the money is going would help hold both parents accountable.

oldone's picture

Children are not cheap and I'm all for both parents supporting their children.

But CS should not be used to support a parent. That is just backwards.

TASHA1983's picture

I couldn't agree more!

When the NCP and his/her family are living like damn paupers because the NCP is paying out the ass for their child(ren) to BM and the BM lives like a damn Rockafella...then THAT IS FUCKING WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

misSTEP's picture

In our case, there was me, DH and DS living in our fixer-upper we got for dirt cheap. DS went to school and had a PT job. DH and I both worked FT and had odd jobs as well. DS's dad paid piddly CS when he DID actually pay. We had three cars that were all over 15 years old and one of them we had to use to do 100% transportation for the skids.

Then in BM's case, she did not work. Neither of my two skids worked. She lived in a new FIVE bedroom house with a brand new car. How the HELL does that work??

Yet, the skids still came in ratty clothing and flip flops, even in the winter.

TASHA1983's picture

That right there is FUCKED THE HELL UP!!!


I seriously hope the "Karma Bus" runs over, and over, and over EVERY waste of skin POS BM like yours and my BF's XW!!! I am sooo fed up with the ass backwards bullshit that goes on with CS, CP/NCP standard of living, etc.

TASHA1983's picture

I agree...there are SOOO MANY DEADBEATS on BOTH sides!!!

I just wish our "Justice" system would come up with SOMETHING to make it decent all across the board. I.E. NCP not getting f'd in ridiculous CS pmts to fund loser BM lifestyles and hence NCP has to live like a pauper & BM's getting CS for their kids and actually using the money on their kids so us taxpayers DON'T have to continuously fund/support them all!!! Sad

Sore spot for me...sorry Sad

misSTEP's picture

Our BM only got married a couple of years ago (and had another baby, right when my skids were aging out of CS, imagine that).

I have NO idea how she leeched out the lifestyle she did. But I DO know that she has committed welfare fraud AND FEMA fraud so, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out there was probably fraud of some kind involved.

TASHA1983's picture

I hear ya...I have no doubt in my mind that this POS commits welfare etc. fraud too!

BM is 42, her oldest is in his 20's and her youngest I believe is 2/3. The well is running dry on her 3 oldest and my BF has to pay for one kid that is 11 so that will end soon, not soon enough of course, but the youngest one she supposedly doesn't get any CS from because he is according to her a loser that works at Best Buy so she wouldn't get anything out of him so she supposedly doesn't waste her time!!! And why would she? She makes 920.00 a month off of my BF plus gets Govt assistance and she is always with some guy so she has it made. Must be nice to have a new car every 1-2 years, get your hair and nails done and go tanning etc. all the while my BF drives a beat up truck and can't even afford his own place. MUST BE NICE TO BE A BABY MAKING WHORE FOR A LIVING!!!

Get this....My BF told me that when they were married and he was working his ass off so they had a nice big house, new vehicles etc. she would go to churches and get presents for her kids for Christmas! Can you imagine what a low-life you have to be to do something like that when you are NOT in actual need??!!

misSTEP's picture

The BM in my case was too lazy to get out of bed to make sure the skids got off to school properly in the morning. One fall morning, SD went to school without a coat. The school ended up giving her a free coat from "Coats for Kids."

BM was very happy about this. DH was NOT happy about it because he KNEW SD had a coat, he was at work and BM just never got up and made sure she WORE it.

TASHA1983's picture

I agree!

My BF doesn't have 50/50 with BM but even if all he had to do was provide what skid needed, which he does/would, and pay half Ins/med bills that is fair enough! Why the fuck should the NCP have to pay so much when most BM's are PERFECTLY capable and able to get a job and help support THEIR kids just as much as NCP do!!! GOD FORBID!!! :jawdrop:

misSTEP's picture


You kind of have to expect it, though. If I had a post about changing things to favor the psycho BMs even MORE, they'd be all FOR it!

PeanutandSons's picture

I'd like to imagine a day when people didnt reproduce irresponsibly and suck up tax payer money to sort this kind of bullshit out on my dime.