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BF sent instructions to BM through his lawyer about custody case

Nymh's picture

BM has been laying it on thick for months that "SS is so stressed out and upset over the custody situation in court and he just wants it all dropped". BF got news from BM that she finally got a job. He had his lawyer tell her lawyer that if she would provide proof of employment to BF's lawyer and allow someone to inspect her home to ensure it was safe for a child to live in, he would drop the case.

He also told her that the only person that talks about the custody case with SS is her, so if he's "so stressed out" it's because of her.

After hearing that from her lawyer, she didn't even go outside when BF picked up and dropped off SS last weekend. That's the first time she's EVER not gone out to the car with SS. I am perplexed on why she didn't come out of the house. Hopefully she was so busy cleaning she couldn't break away!
