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Definition of Entitlement

princessandthepee's picture

"I know we are working out the child support, but is it possible you can give me money now? I have been trying to get a job for months and finally have a good opportunity for a position in the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately I'm havering (sp) financial troubles now."

That's a mighty tempting text to reply to. But I am not going to. This is testing my discipline.

So I'll share with you all what all my negativity toward hiim would love to say.

You had nearly five years of support from me, both while you raped my business from within and then without. You were alloted half of my life savings. You attempted to liquidate material assets and present to me there was no choice in that matter once you decided to divorce. You kidnapped my children from their school district and I had to involve police, an emercency order from the court, thousands of dollars in a lengthy mediation process you insisted go to stipulation (while knowing you can't demonstrate such utter disregard for your children while simultaneously presenting to the system that by your most recent and drastic actions you don't give a true shit about them and expect your then most recent attempt to keep them constantly uprooted and off balance to be awarded by the system) when you knew what was best for them. You did it again the next school year, and you even thought it would be a good idea to at least salvage our oldest into that different school district you resided in, and throw our youngest child to the substandard school district our children were born into and that we agreed they would attend. You know, in the home I poured everything into and that you did everything you could think of to force me out of so I would presumably move closer to the city, where the compound of your relatives is headquartered? You harassed and threatened me the few days before and after the first of the month for 36 months, not once did you mmiss the turn of the page. You never once missed an opportunity to threaten me about what would happen if 'your monthly paymnet' wasn't in the bank, BEFORE THE 1St because you had bills to pay with the money that your livelihood upon me did not depend. But goddamn you made sure I knew what would happen if that spousal maintenance from me to you was NOT IN YOUR ACCOUNT by the 1st! And I did it, you mutherfucker. I can't tell you how many months our bills were neglected in the interest of paying that spousal maintenance. You called my aging father a 'piece of shit' at a family birthday party you were responsible to drop off and pick up our children for. You did that because my father does not wish to speak to you, he doesn't understand why you don't get a job and support the children, yourself. My father is different than you. You phoned my colleagues and left them messages designed to hurt me.

There were so many things. And he's asking me nonchalanty to start 'giving' him money. If money were wet turds, I'd whip thousands at him every month.

I'm not going to respond to that message. I think that's the best, most simple and powerful answer. It's difficult not to know, though, if that's taking the high road, or if it's muzzling thoughts and feelings that may be running around inside me that maybe I should voice.


princessandthepee's picture

As always, StepAside, you are able to reflect back the heart of the matter. It is the first time I have been utterly silent to him. I processed this with my husband for a great patient while, him supporting me, in processing through the pain my ex spouse's maliciousness brings to life.
Part of what I talked through with my husband was the fact that my silence to dickhead's deep, deep insult was that dickhead would finally have no choice (one would think)other than to understand I am beyond his reach. After being used and abused by him for twelve years I am beyond his reach now. Ultimately, I don't know what he will do when he understands that. I have never talked much about him other than to my husband, and my family, who lived with those twelve years almost as heavily as I did.

cant win for losin's picture

LOL @ grumpy cat!

I am rooting for you to stay disciplined and not respond to that text in ANY way shape or form. NOT even a week from now of mentioning it from another conversation. Pretend that text never came through.

I will NEVER understand people who feel the need to constantly reply to bullshit messages. I want to know where it is written that you are obligated to respond.
The stuff got so bad with me and my ex, (and still to this day) that I ignore 90% of his messages. When I don't it is because it is a legitimate text about the kids, but even then the moment his messages start to turn in to his typical crap I stop responding. Eventually he runs out of steam.
Afterall, you cannot argue with someone who won't argue back.

It doesn't stop him, cause another day he is on to the next disgusting chapter, but I sure feel better. Well, better than what I would if I was to respond. That would just open up it up for more and more and more and more.
I never bring it up. Every blue moon I do respond to something, but I never say anything about them old messages I saw and never responded to. I won't even respond to the question/statement if HE brings it up about those messages.

There is so much truth to the "you can't fix stupid" line. 7 divorced years later and he hasn't changed one little bit. He is engaged and still no change. PATHETIC!

AngeLily's picture

whoa, you were married to my ex jackass too?? I agree with the silence. It will get under his skin more than words would. Showing hurt or anger strengthens that little part of them that feeds on knowing they can control something in you, still. Vent it, but not to him, don't give him that satisfaction. He is looking for a fight, a way to make you the bad guy, once again and feel better about himself. Always someone else's fault. When things are good, it is due to them, had nothing to do with you, and when it is bad, you are making it worse (if it wasn't your fault entirely). These charming, narcissistic people are never happy, never satisfied, never thinking of the damage they are causing their own children, yet always manage to twist it into their favor. Good luck with it all. It is a rotten situation that dances on the edge of your happiness sometimes. Just remember you ARE strong, you ARE worth more than he ever knew and you DO deserve to be happy.