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Moving on...

giveitago's picture

SS 19 has now decided he wants to go and live elsewhere, of course it'll be all my fault yet again?! This will be the fifth time the boy has 'moved on' since he was 16, and the catalyst for him moving seems to be that people want reasonable behaviors from him, and for him to pull his weight in the household.
The audacity of these folks, huh?


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I agree. Id put a stop to the "revolving door" as well ! Even if after he leaves & things dont go his way, Id use it as a tool to help him grow! Plus it keeps the crap outta your house as well !! These kids need to realize that they cant use our homes as a place to come back to every time life teaches them a lesson. Would your DH be on board with explaining to SS that hes old enough now & that this move is permanant this time?

& Yay!!! You get your home back again!! Thats got to feel good!! Smile

giveitago's picture

It's Friday and SS's truck is still outside our house? SS did say by the weekend, I sincerely hope the guy he's staying with has not banned him from using laundry or asked him to pay rent! Those have been the catalysts for SS wanting to move on...?
SS left here at age 16, he dropped out of high school and went to stay at his friends' house. He went back to live with his mother, back to friends' house and then landed here. The catalyst for him moving on was him having to pay rent?! He had a big old fight with his friend's mother when she asked him to contribute to the household...that was the catalyst for him moving to his mom's...anywhere but here with 'that bitch' (AKA yours truly)
I agree the revolving door needs to close. Counsellor told DH years ago that SD should not be able to just go to and fro between her mom's house and here, wreaking havoc everywhere!
We saw where SD lives yesterday, some important mail came for her, and it's a straight shot (pardon the pun) to work for her. She's paying her way and living the lifestyle she chooses...just not in our house is all. SD has no desire to change anything so we cannot help her. It's alarming that she is living that lifestyle but we can't do a damned thing about it. I have absolutely no desire to encounter these people she hangs with. It doesn't occur to her that she'll piss them off royally one night and then leave...guess where they'll come gunning for her? We did get a phone call on my cell one day, a 'friendly warning'. SD had been using my cell to call people from here, which is how they had the number. The girl does not care about those sorts of issues, we had just picked her up after she absconded her mother's house to go live with these dealers...and cut of the tracking device the juvenile justice system put on her too. Oh yeah, because she'd left the dealer's house and it was immediately raided and the guy was in jail there was a threat out for SD, they thought she had reacted and taken a deal from the juvenile judge. These people are pimps, users and dealers! We'd be easy enough to find anyhow, don't be showing folks exactly how and where to find us?!
DH says he's not unduly worried about it, we do not have guns in our house and we live quietly (by comparison) and I'd like it to stay that way! I do not entertain all the drama that seems to surround SD.
Back to SS, I sincerely hope nothing went wrong at his friend's place, if his truck is still out here by Monday morning then I'll know something happened?!
I hate to see kids out there but these are not your average kids, they are sociopaths!
DH says 'I'll believe it when I see it.' That is really helpful, right? Well, if the truck is still here by Monday I am going to insist on rent and contributions...if we all live here then we ALL have to take a turn at cleaning out the bathroom or washing dishes etc. So what if they think I am a bitch, I know differently! I could be a bitch, believe me, I know how! I choose not to be though...damn that concience of mine! Give me a couple of decades and I'll be just like the rest of them? LOL I've had (mumbles a number) years of experience in life and I am very much aware of what goes on and what consequences of actions can become.
DH is much more good natured than I am, which only gets him walked all over, right? We'll see how the weekend goes and then, if it's time to talk turkey, I will not back down. The boy pays his way or he's gone! This 'wait until the heat dies down' should, in reallity, only be a time period of no tempers might rise type thing and NOT a poetic license to abuse the privelages. Sorry, I am going on a bit here~~~~~> goes to get coffee~~~>