BM has taken a new turn in her actions
Well lately the BM has gone a new route. I totally do not understand this wacko! She's decided to mimic everything I do.
She went out and got her hair cut and colored exactly like mine. When my DH and I first started talking about marriage, we looked at rings together. Much to his surprise, I wanted an engagement ring with the main stone a sapphire and the secondary stone diamonds. Recently she and her girlfriend got engaged they got similar rings to the one I picked out. It's all very strange how she behaves. I mean I don't pay attention to anything like that with her lol; I don't care enough about her to give her that much thought. The skids pointed it all out to me and I started laughing. When they asked why I thought it was funny and I just said well when someone copies what you do, it's really the biggest form of flattery.
The only thing I keep track of is how she is treating the children or usually keeping notes on how she is neglecting them!
I know she's doing it all to try and make me angry but I seriously think it's just a hoot! For one thing, we run in TOTALLY different circles! We live an hour and a half away from each other. And the biggest thing is, she's copying the person she says she hates! She desperately wants my DH back. About 1 or 2 weeks after we returned from our honeymoon she tried to get him back. He immediately told me and started laughing.
She doesn't like this woman she's engaged to. She's cheated on her numerous times but BM needs the girlfriend's money, so she's going along with a "marriage". (Gay marriage is not supported in this state). If I had an ounce of respect for the girlfriend I would tell her, but anyone who beats my SS is on my bad list to say the least! (For the record I've called CPS numerous times!) BM "breaks up" with her and then they get back together. I told SS if it happens again he is to call us immediately and we'll take care of it!
The only thing I'm bitter about is that DH and I have had trouble conceiving a child of our own. This drug addict and alcoholic was able to have 3 wonderful kids and doesn't appreciate them in the slightest! She even took drugs throughout the pregnancy with SD. In my opinion, she's just scum of the earth because of this! She didn't even learn from her mistakes. She just bounces from one unstable environment to the next. She exposes these children to bad environments and bad people. The courts still say they are better off with her than us though because she donated an egg.
- newstepmom2008's blog
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I don't even know where to begin...
Well, for starters, I can relate to the copying thing. Everythime DH and I get something new or do something, BM follows or tries to "one up" us. It's annoying, but she looks like the idiot, so don't worry about it.
As for the girlfriend hitting your SS, good for you for calling CPS! As many times as I have wanted to raise my hand to my Skids, it is not my place, and I would be livid if their "step-father of the month" hit them, or god forbid anything else!
This is just another case of the courts giving BM's custody because she carried the child in her womb...Sorry, but that does not make a woman a good mother. We deal with the same irrisponsibility issues with my skids BM. Although, I wish she was on drugs, cause we'd have a better chance to get the kids away from her.
Anyway, keep your head up and remember that immitation is the best form of flattery... she wishes she could be the mother you are to her kids.
Oh believe me, it's hard to prove the drug use. By the time CPS comes out to investigate, the drugs are already out of her system! We get the reports from SS(almost 11) when he comes to see us, and sometimes when I've gone to the house.
I just chalk it up to the fact that she's a waste of human life! I have a great family friend who is fighting breast cancer. I just don't understand how/why good people seem to have the worst luck and filth like BM never seem to face any hardships or tragedy. Doctors brought BM out of drug overdosed. The doctors had said she wasn't going to survive that her kidneys and liver were destroyed beyond repair and suddenly everything was fine! (I didn't know her through all of this -- it was before she left DH) She took over 150 Hydrocodone in 1 week!
Geez, that is very
Geez, that is very interesting. Bm has copied us numerous time, . I feel it is that she doent have a mind of her own...
How do the kids feel about engagement? It sounds like BM doesnt know what she wants.
The little ones don't really understand. To them it's just one more person "mommy" has living with them. She changes partners more than I change shoes, and I'm a shoe addict!
I don't think SS(almost 11) likes this at all. The kids make fun of him because his mother is a lesbian. The thing is, she's a heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual depending on the partner she is with...she basically legally prostitutes herself out to anyone who will pay her bills.
I make no judgments on her in regards to her sexual preference, that's not my place. HOWEVER, I do judge her for setting an example that it's OK to use people to serve your own personal gain. She's teaching them that other people's feelings do not truly matter.
She gets angry that my husband and I take the skids to church with us. I just laughed when my husband got worried over this. I told him to let her try to stop us! I will be happy to go to court. I've got literally folders of crap on her! Teaching them values and morals is something that I would think any judge would approve of...considering the junk that she teaches them and exposes them to!
She's intimidated and insecure!
Our BM does the same thing -- sounds like it's a common occurrence with them when they're insecure and jealous. I have a better education than BM (I have a Ph.D., she had her GED) and right after I got engaged to DH, she went back to school nights to get her BA. When I got a new computer (I'm a Mac user), SD admired it one night, and then a week later, she announces: "My mom and I are getting Macs." When DH and I decided that we're going to get an iPhone when our contracts run out this June, suddenly BM and SD are also getting iPhones. It does make me laugh.
I don't think she's doing it to try to make you angry -- she's doing it because she's intimidated by you! HA! She's a loser and it should make you laugh that she's so transparent!
I do!
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
I think we are in similar circumstances. BM barely graduated high school and I have an MBA. I have a hard time dealing with lazy people who think everyone owes them something and they shouldn't have to work to get something; I think this is why she makes me nauseous! LOL.