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It's Monday and I am in a bad mood!

dragonfly5's picture

Why? Just because I hate the whole step world. It was a skid weekend, well that was bad enough....they really are not that bad, it is just so much better and easier with out them.

Finally FDH takes them glad looking forward to a nice quiet rest of the evening. The phone goes off...of course it is Crazo texting again.

Come back over here and drop of the child support check. My FDH sends a text back, no I will drop it off on Wednesday when I pick up the kids. She text back fine.

Now I am in a bad mood. First of all, the child support is not due until the last day of the month. We all know this, second she is her usual demanding self, third why in the world would FDH respond to this?

Well I asked him this. He said he responded because it is about the kids. I said no it's not. How long have you been divorced..over 7 years. Has the date changed in 7 yrs? So why are you responding?

Crazo will never live in a budget she is going to always need the child support early. He is never going to give it to her early so why the game?

Can someone please explain this to me. WHY? Why does she continue to ask for something she knows she is not going to get. Why does he answer her crazy request......

I know I am PMS'ing or something, but I am just sick of her, and the skids are a constant reminder of "Crazo".


dragonfly5's picture

Exactly! Recently everything about her is irritating me. I have to figure out what is going on with me because if is really effecting me, so therefore it is effecting my FDH.

I want to be united front with him, against her, the enemy.

bearcub25's picture

Yep, happened to us all the time. DSO would literally be opening the front door and BM was calling or texting some BS.

mimi719's picture

Please try to enjoy your time alone. It's so important.

Crazy people like to keep others engaged in their CRAZINESS. She knows his buttons. Hopefully, he will learn to stop responding.

On our no-kid days, I sometimes remind DH - it's OUR time. You and me, let's not talk about x for a bit, please.