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Back into the lion's den

LizzieA's picture

In a few days we are heading back to our old town to see SD's new baby.

Oh my. We moved 1000 miles to get away from this negative, drama seeking tribe.

The cast:

DH - love of my life, one of those giving, helpful types who is also very smart and insightful. He is behind me 100% and sticks up for me. "You are my wife."

BM--dumb, cheated on DH, and wanted the divorce but became an instant victim when I came into the picture. She alternates between decent and an ass. DH did "everything" for her and she doesn't have a clue..

SD--a volatile little tyrant (I think she is at least mild BP). Was going to school when she wrecked her new car and got knocked up by a real on and off again winner, thereby shooting herself in the foot. Lives at home. Has verbally abused me.

MIL--LOVES me. I love her too.

SIL1 - Tyrant of that generation. Was our friend until we got married, then turned into Psycho B and slandered us to everyone. She is long divorced and can't find a serious relationship. She is also jealous of our working together and our creative endeavors. She has verbally abused me.

SIL2 - spinster on a moral high horse

SIL3 - overworked sports widow who frets and judges

We are just going to (arm twisted into it actually) to see the little baby and do other business. It should be interesting. These people put us through H*** for a year before we moved. I found this site and it helped me to see how others also feel like an illegitimate wife and have to deal with psycho BMS and in-laws.

Wish us luck!

byebye's picture