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Endora's picture

Well last night was a first! Dare I dream?

As you know -SS16 is a videogameophile especially for Rock Band and Guitar Hero (kid does not have a musical bone in his body-so this is doubley annoying).

Many have seen my posts describing a typical day with Zippy-wearing his ridiculous head set that he wears so he can "tune" into other gamers and play these games-virtually from the moment he gets up (gets in the house -before/after his minimal hours part time job) 24/7-banging (with NO rhythm what so ever)on the fake drum set that comes with the game). This is finally getting on DH nerves

-SS has exams coming up on Monday-not one minute of studying has happened-SS is labelled with needing a teacher's assistant (thanks BM) and at grade 11, she manages to keep him on the radar marks wise-so he is covered there. I read Zippy's assessement and the powers that be deem he needs to have NOW GET THIS-

extra time to complete assignments
Someone to organize his priorities for him (the assistant)

Don't get me started on the Canadian Education system....same ones that deemed my now college educated, employed adult BS's ADHD and ADD but that is a whole other story.

Last night DH came in from picking Zippy up from skiing-he sits down on the couch with me while Zippy is upstairs, DH says

"We need to talk about time limits to give Zippy with this gaming, can you give me some ideas on limits for video games"?

I thought I must have fallen asleep on the couch and was dreaming!

Stay tuned...


now4teens's picture

All of a sudden, when DH "gets it", the conversation begins with words like "WE", as in, "We need to talk..."

Priceless. Because up until this point, YOU, Endora, have never been concerned about Zippy's 24/7 gaming habit and total lack of schoolwork.

NOW that DH thinks about it, it's a "WE" topic!

Where's my 2x4????

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

bellacita's picture

see my post "we finally got the grades"

last year, SS15 failed a class...well he got awful grades overall. i told DH to limit the video games that were warping his mind and stealing his brain cells. he did. took away during teh week but let him play ALL weekend long. then he would stop even taking them away...what happens? SS still has a 1.93 GPA. yes ladies...1.93 i thought u could at least get a 2.0 barely breathing.

so NOW, thanks to bella :), NO VIDEO GAMES AT ALL. took away the controllers and he will get them on weekends for an hour or two IF i feel he deserves it.

so i would say, just dont let him play during school week, bc then he wont do ANY school work.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Endora's picture

Zippy has been making waves about his "Draconian" bedtime hours-which were implemented when DH could not get Zippy out of bed in the morning and on the bus for school-once the kid DID get up he sat in a Camel Coma (thanks Crayon-forgot about that)-staring at the TV until he missed the TWO buses he can take to school-then whined to Daddy to drive him to school.

DH says to me (same dream from last night):

"Zippy has been making waves about his 10:00pm bedtime".

Me: (Thinking oh NO-he is going to let Zippy stay up later-Great!)

DH says:

"I told him that until I see some maturity on his part, for more than one day i.e. getting up/going to bed on his own-NOT miss his school buses (when they are running -we have had a 7 week transit strike here)his bedtimes will remain the same-10:00pm on weeknights-11pm on the weekends".

Needless to say-Zip went to bed with a VERY sour look on his face-

I went a poured myself a glass of wine to celebrate! (for how long-that I do not know!)

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Endora's picture

YES-I forgot about that one-thankfully DH was talking on the phone to his father , when I poured the wine and watched the news-I did not mention the evenings events (remember, I thought I was dreaming)

Like that

"I see your concern"

Think I will add

"I understand"

Well, have to go put on my Bette Davis eyes, for Act 2....

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

sarahbernheart's picture

dont you just want to take them and shake them but good!!
why is it that everyone elses opinion matters but the SParents are STUPID!
it really boggles my mind.
I LOVE my sons to death but my 19stb20 is getting ready to get his ass handed to him ...right out the front door..
why is it so hard for these guilt parents see that they are only raising helpless beings.
omg get me off this planet.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

bellacita's picture

lol! i'll happily go w u SB...

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin