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I'm feeling very peacful :)

skye22's picture

Things have been really great lately, The ex is leaving us alone and my stepson has been just wonderful. We are finally in a good place. I feel like I have found the balance of being a mom and a wife and a stepmother and all the other hats that I wear. For a very long time I felt out of wack. Now my husband and I are just ready to add another little bundle of joy to our family.

I love the fall and all the holidays coming in the next few months, its my favorite time of the year. And it seems like its gonna be a calm and peacful one!! Just wanted to share my happiness.

How is everyone else doing?


goldenlife's picture

I am very joyful myself these days ! My DH and I are enjoying peaceful, blissful days despite any outward drama.

I stay closely connected to this site because stepfamily life is so precarious. You never know when the proverbial apple cart will be tipped (or the proverbial s#%t will hit the fan)! But right now, right this minute, LIFE IS GOOD!