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Fed up with the double standard

gettingreal's picture

Where does a man get off thinking just because he is a man he doesn't have to pick up after himself or his kids? How do men get off thinking their role begins and ends with "helping" to clean up, which by the way usually means he did something for himself. Why should a girlfriend or step mom have to pick up after and wait on HIS kids? They are HIS kids, he doesn't clean up after me or my family or friends! And when we don't, why should we have to live in their mess?! I pay half of the bills, take care of my responsibilities and life - it is time men learned to do the same. And I'm so tired of reading things like... "you knew he had kids when you met him and those kids are going through a lot". Give me a break, what every happened to teaching kids respect of people and property and how to be responsible? Guess what, its not okay to play video games 24 - 7, fail school and turn your room into a toxic waste dump. Wake up sisters!!!


Fed up and not feeling the slightest bit guilty.'s picture

Have you brought this up to him? A lot of times boys/men are used to being picked up after. If he's decent at all, he will fix this if you bring it up. It may take some reminders to make it a habit. Maybe have a 10-15 minute pick up time for everyone. I know it's annoying though. Like you are a freakin maid! lol

keepingitreal's picture

Lol I so feel you about when Fam comes over. Its funny as hell Cause my dh does help me and his mother and grandma try to run him out and him and our sons come back and help while his dad sits and watches TV by himself till were done. I have to try so hard not to snicker lol. Pisses them off Blum 3