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Still Seething Over SD19

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Oh it is so difficult to disengage, and SD19 isn't even here. But she will be in 2 months, if she doesn't show up this week. She wants to see SD13, so that tells me she is back in town from vacationing with her college friend. I guess you can only be a leech for so long. All I can do is wait, but it is killing me. I like to plan ahead, I like to know what course of action to take. I certainly don't want to come home Friday evening before DH and find a hedgehog in my home, even for just a few hours while the SDs visit.

The hedgehog dilemma is making me sick!

Little things happen when SD19 is here and the behavior is appalling. SD19 is so defiant. No, not all of the time, but when DH DOES ask something of her, she gets pissed easily. He asked her to take the trash out of her room, didn't follow through, so I did. This was at the end of January. She had venom flying from her lips when I calmly told her that she needed to remove the trash from her room. DH tried to calmly talk her down, as he stuck up for me and told her to grow up.

Then she threw things at the closed door with DH in her room, so I could hear it out in the hallway. I wanted her gone from the house that instant, but you give these disrespectful ODDs ammo and they throw it at you, full force. But being quiet won't solve the problem. Sure, it won't give her ammo "in the moment" if I can keep my cool and not say a word, even leave the room and let DH deal with it. But then the problem remains......The Skid gets her way. I have spoken to DH about SD19 going back to therapy so she can control her angry outbursts and gain some control. But what it comes down to is.....THIS IS MY HOME and DH's HOME! SD19 is merely a toxic "guest" a few months out of the year.

What in God's name do I do if DH doesn't step up the next time? Call the police to remove her? Then my marriage goes to shit! The littlest bit of ammo you give her, she shoots back, all guns blazing. It's over stupid shit, which makes me wonder if I'm losing my mind.

Then she went back to school and bought that damn hedgehog a week later in early February. My stomach is in knots because I don't know how to keep my cool with such a defiant POS teen. She even disrespects DH, and that REALLY pisses me off. Yet, DH insists that she's his daughter, while I insist that she is toxic and gets along with no one unless there's something in it for her.

I don't want to sacrifice my home for a POS 19yo. I just won't. I am the adult homeowner, she is the child visitor.

What do I do? I am so pissed at being pissed, I can't see straight. Oh and DH is out of town tonight for business. SD13 hasn't been a problem. Just same old space cadet. I told her earlier I would shower and she could take one after dinner if she needed to. Well, it's an hour until bedtime and she "forgot" again. No signs of life between her ears to remind her to shower and Aunt Flo is here this week. I'm not saying anything. It's funny at this point. Pathetically funny.

Same shit, different week. This is ridiculous! I just want my DH back the way it used to be! I want these skids gone! I want my life back already. I am not who I used to be. Not at all, and it sucks. Big time.

~ Blue Moon

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Thank you, now just say it louder so my dumb ass gets in gear lol! Blum 3 I love your replies!!!

furkidsforme's picture

And don't you let her bring that damn Hedgehog in! She can have a friend from college pet sit it!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I feel sorry for the poor thing, being carted around everywhere for spring break.

Rags's picture

I like the give it away and pretend like it got out option. The Hog gets a new likely far more caring home, you solve the problem, and you can walk around your house sniffing and throwing out the occasional "Does anyone smell dead hedgehog?" }:)

misSTEP's picture

Or just get the setup. Leave the hood off and then when you see the hedgehog, look frantically around yelling, "OH NO! MY SNAKE! Where did my SNAKE go???"

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Thing is, I am an animal lover, but not if it stinks up my house because of a half-assed defiant teen. GoAwayPlz said she could point me to a hedgehog rescue if need be. I hate snakes. I just need to have her remove the thing, cage and all, or call the cops for backup.

We are SO NOT this type of family, but SD19 is making us all crazy. I want to bash her teeth into the fucking wall. I need to pull a "skeeter" and call their bluff the next time shit is stirred. Open the front door and tell them to GTFO of my house. Any way that I deal with the situation, I lose. I lose I lose I lose. What the hell do I do?

~ Moon

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Yes, and DH knows that things are better when SD19 isn't around. So, if I lose in a way that keeps her out of my house, then DH and I will rebound quickly from the drama and be happier for it. Less stress under the roof!

~ Moon

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

GoAway its in my profile.....I'm in Maryland. Seems no one else is! LOL SD19 is also keeping the critter at school against dorm rules, so I have that tidbit in my back pocket. This whole entire situation could be a towering inferno before too long...... }:)

Poor widdle SD19. Some days I wish that BM were still alive, but that is another entire level of crazy. Grandma, BM and SD19 all craycray.......

~ Moon

IslandGal's picture

She sounds like an immature little shit of a brat! Why isn't SO looking out for you and protecting you from her toxic shit?? She's 19 for frig's sake..old enough to be out on her own and infecting someone else's life!

oneoffour's picture

I cannot understand why Americans are so in love with Hedgehogs. They are wild in New Zealand so much so that they are often road pizzas.

Just tell SD 19 that she cannot have the animal in your house. If she pitches a fit tell her to leave. If DH whines that this is his daaauuugghhtteerrrrr and he hasn't seen her ffor soooo loooong tell him to take her to the local Applebees. The hedgehog can stay in the car.

And if she gets shitty at you remind her she doesn't live there anymore, she is a guest and if she doesn't behave appropriately you WILL be getting the cops to get her taken from the home as a trespasser.

Practice your lines in the mirror in the bathroon.. It helps!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I could send my son your way! He's been hunting all week...sure he could take care of that hedgehog for you. Wink }:)

At 19, staying at your home during school breaks is a privilege...not a right! She is an adult...time to buck up and be one! I'm wondering with the school is going to do something about it. I didn't think pets were allowed in least at my son's school they aren't. Wonder if there is some way to make an anonymous call up there about it. Again, that is evil SM me coming out again!