SD17 has not spoken to me in almost a week
So last week SD17 made the choice to have herself dropped off at her sister's house, when she already had a ride home. She did not ask to go, assumed that I was going to come and get her. All of the rest of us in the house were extremely sick. She had gone with a friend to do a university visit, so I knew she had a ride home and wasn't worried that she wouldn't have a ride home. For me to drive and pick up SD17 would have entailed at least 20 mins there and 20 mins back. Had she asked I would have told her no.
Now the sister that she went to visit, is SD22, and SD22 and i have basically no relationship at all, and she bad mouths me at every opportunity that she can and I'm excluded from her life -- which I'm okay with except for the fact that every other member of the family goes over to her house and i'm not allowed to. So keep in mind, SD17 is over there while SD17 is texting me over this situation and SD22 is sitting there. So I'm sure that SD22 is ripping on me, and bad mouthing me -- so now I'm an even more terrible person because I won't come and get SD17. Long story short, my DH said he'd come pick her up, even though he was sick if SD22 wouldn't bring her home. No answer from SD17. All of a sudden, SD17 is home. SD22's boyfriend brought her home, and then the boyfriend has the balls to ask for gas money. I made SD17 pay for it since she put herself in the situation of having no ride, and because my DH said he would pick her up -- she just wouldn't respond and say whether or not to pick her up.
So since that time, she has stayed in her bedroom, or her brother's bedroom and only talks to me if she absolutely has to -- like "are you making dinner". At first I got a little upset, and then i thought, why get upset? i don't have to look at her pissy, crabby face. Part of me is upset that she is doing this because I do so much for this little brat and she still treats me this way. She started acting nicer towards me when it got closer to her birthday -- and now i realize why. She wanted me to do stuff for her. Which i did. I'm done. I told my DH last night that I'm not going out of my way to try anymore. And he says well that should endear her to you. Seriously/??? Endear her to me!! Should i continue to try even though she doesn't even want to be around me? If she is in the living room and I come into the living room, she leaves the room and goes to her bedroom or her brother's bedroom.
i did say to her at one point that i didn't deserve to be treated this way -- to be given the silent treatment -- and she said she is not giving me the silent treatment. if this isn't the silent treatment, i don't know what is. But I'm to the point that i feel like I'm done with her. I pointed out this behavior to my DH, and he says "now you don't know that this is what is going on." Come on DH, pull your head out of the sand!! Yet again!!!! Drives me nuts.
I actually felt it happen -- an "I don't care" attitude hit me last night and i thought, 'this is what it feels like" -- disengaging. These kids are vacuums -- all of them. They forget the good things I have done for them, and I have to start fresh each day with them. That kind of relationship is exhausting. I can't do that anymore.
I am seeing my counselor again -- starting next week, to see if she can help me with dealing with these people. I'm off to go get a manicure and pedicure with one ofmy girlfriends -- someone who does love me! i've found that is so important -- surround myself with good people, otherwise I'll go completely insane.
The thing i'm thankful for is that my DH is starting to see how his kids really are --- it's been hard for him to see the reality of them, but been good for me because he sees that i'm not exaggerating.
It is so much easier when we
It is so much easier when we make the decision to disengage on our terms. You just do what makes you happy and ignore the child...
ugh. My ss13 treats me this
ugh. My ss13 treats me this way always. It started about 3.5 years ago. At first, I too, enjoyed the silence-he used to yell at me all the time, so I thought it was a welcome change. Although at this point it is a real problem. He does the whole leaving the room thing, if I try and speak to him he might mumble at me and then make for the nearest exit. But if I am handing out cash, dishing out supper, or giving everybody a ride somewhere he thinks he ought to get in line first. Um, no, sorry. If you choose to not even speak to me and have NO relationship with me then you dont get the benefits of one. And that's essentially what has happened. WE have absolutely NO relationship-I cant even really say we have a bad one, its simply nonexistant. Which throws a real wrench into the works when dh wants him to come on family vaca's, move in with us, etc.
It's also that is such a passive aggressive action. Its subtle-so that my dh does not or chooses not to pick up on it. So then dh thinks things are awesome and cant understand why I dont enjoy the kid's visits.
I do nothing for him at this point. I am not going to do things for someone that wont speak to me. That means I dont cook for him, clean for him, ask him how his day is, make sure he gets bday presents, nothing. So thats what I'd do with your sd. She is 17 so even if it does continue for another year-at least she'll be out of your home soon-in fact I'd suggest to her that she might want to be looking for other accommodations now.
"She is 17 so even if it does
"She is 17 so even if it does continue for another year-at least she'll be out of your home soon-in fact I'd suggest to her that she might want to be looking for other accommodations now."
WOOHOO!!! BEST advice ever!!!!
I'd go to the library and
I'd go to the library and check out a book on Emotional Vampires. I think a LOT of skids (and plenty of psycho BMs) have this problem.
YES!!!!!! That is EXACTLY
That is EXACTLY what they are!!! They are a freaking sh*t storm!!!! A vortex of insanity!!! They are like a freaking hurricane, whipping through the house, destroying everything and everyone that gets in their path. If you don't give 'em what they want, or they decide they want to act up for whatever reason: GOOD LORD does everyone pay for it. They are exhausting to be around!!! They suck the air out of a room.
"I actually felt it happen --
"I actually felt it happen -- an "I don't care" attitude hit me last night and i thought, 'this is what it feels like" -- disengaging. These kids are vacuums -- all of them. They forget the good things I have done for them, and I have to start fresh each day with them. That kind of relationship is exhausting. I can't do that anymore."
You just summed it up perfectly for me. I don't bother anymore. My skids are only 10 (twins), but they are the most ungrateful little heathens I have ever met. I'm serious. They are rotten. I don't bother anymore. I don't even talk to them and I leave when they come over. I do everything in my power to not be in the house when they are here and I go into my room when I do have to be in the house. It never hurts me to get "quiet alone time"... so their visits have become a ritual for me to get MY errands done and to do things for ME.
She actually texted me
She actually texted me yesterday and says "can you pick me up kinda soon?" ---- i didn't respond at all. i don't know how she got home, but she figured it out! i'm not her chauffeur or her maid or her chef! Figure it out!
She did ask the other night "are you making dinner?" I replied "nope"! Is that my responsibility -- to feed your fat face SD17?? No its not! Feed your own fat face.
Any more i don't like doing anything special for these brats because they are nice in the moment, but then they return to their regular selves shortly afterwards.
I'm so sick of it. Cannot wait until they move out. SS18 was nice for a short while while he was sick -- but then he started being his sarcastic mean self again while we were even in the hospital so i knew he was feeling better -- even commented to that effect -- well, i guess you're feeling better SS18 because you're back to being sarcastic and mean to me. He can be such a little dick. He can't just say "ok" when I ask him to do something, he has to be a smart ass, and be a jackass about it. Always.
So yes, they can leave me alone and I'll be perfectly content! SD17 will be nice to me again when she wants her ear pierced again --- I'm just going to say i'm busy. She needs my permission to do it -- mmmm so sorry! you'll just have to wait till your 18 .... guess you should try to be nice more consistently maybe.
"Any more i don't like doing
"Any more i don't like doing anything special for these brats because they are nice in the moment, but then they return to their regular selves shortly afterwards."
Exactly. My skids are only nice when they want something. They never say "thank you." Their BM taught them that it's all just owed to them. Big surprise: the welfare and CS sponge taught her children they don't need to work for anything or be nice to anyone who does share with them.
YEP. Its always temporary.
YEP. Its always temporary. When you get comfortable again, they get shitty again. I love when SD leaves me alone. She kept bugging me this weekend. Go away.
So now she is upstairs and
So now she is upstairs and won't make eye contact with me or speak to me....seriously....I just want her to go back down to her cave and leave me alone now! I loved it when she was staying down there so i didn't have to look at her pissy and crabby face! I'll put on something on tv that she doesn't like ...that should do it! haha
Omg your me. I also have
Omg your me. I also have SD17. Ungreatful little brat right now. We use to have a great relationship but now she is being a little pain in the ass. She seemed to believe that it was my responsibility to buy her a car. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. When I corrected her she got pissed and said that we (DH & I) said we would with my 5 year bonus from my job. Ya right. Kids hear what they want to hear. Damn me me me kids. We only said we would try to match what he saves. That's it. And if we can afford it and she keeps her grades up we would try if we get a decent tax return. Well her grades are dropping and so is her respect. I even stopped buyin her coffee on the way to take her to school. She hasn't asked why but I have not drivin that way either. I just drive her straight to school and drop her moody ass off and go get my coffee and head off to work. I told my DH I am not doing shit for an ungreatful child. Every day I drop her off I just say have a good day and she mudders thanks under her breathe and then slams the door. Moody little shit. My DH says that if she keeps it up he's going to ask her if she wants to go live with her mom again since we are such terrible parents who don't give her everything. If she says yes he said he will tell her to call her mom and tell her that she's coming and then he will tell to delete her phone and hand it over. Then he said he will turn to me and tell me to go cancel her phone and car insurance since she's not living with us anymore. She only sees BM 20 hours a week. She's such a roller coaster. I already warned her last time she left us for 6 months that if she pulls it again she will not be able to come back again cause we can't take the back and forth crap. She's acting the same way she did at 15 so she may be ready to blow it all up again and take it out on me. Fine by me kid free 5 months early.
step parenting is the hardest job on earth!! I don't want any of this to happen obviously but she's bringing it on herself and will have to fall flat on her face to figure it out. Guess we have to let her. Oh well! Stay strong you are doing awesome.
Man i wish we had that option
Man i wish we had that option to send her to live with her mother -- but we don't. Her mother has nothing to do with her. She hasn't seen her mother since 2004. There is a full restraining order against the mother from seeing the kids, but my DH told the kids that after they graduated they could make the choice to see their mom if they wanted to or not --- some have chosen to and some have not. So the mom is out of the picture 100% --- trust me, if i could send them to her, I would!
We don't pay for the kids insurance or their phones.
SD17 lost that privilege a while back (with the phone) due to bad grades and lying. She lost her phone for the summer due to bad grades, so instead she goes out and buys herself her own phone, while she's supposed to be grounded from her actual phone -- well, we found out about it! BUSTED! So we cancelled the phone we were paying for -- made her pay for the cancellation fee, and now she pays for her own phone. if she doesn't have the money, then she has no phone -- too bad, so sad!
And on the car insurance, she pays for her own -- if she has a job! I made the mistake of giving her a car. I inherited a car from my grandmother, and my parents also gave me some money when my grandmother passed away so i had used that to purchase a nice little car from my parents for $1200. That was the car that we gave to SD17. All she has done is bitch about the fact that she had to pay for the insurance and the gas for it. hmmmmmm, well, I could just take that car off your hands and then you wouldn't have that to worry about you little entitled brat!!
Oh, and i did get her to leave the room! I put the news on! haha! Pissed her off! lol Oh darn