
Calypso1977's picture

so SD14 started Track yesterday. One practice, one hour.

today, BM calls my fiance and tells him SD has an appointment to see the doctor for "shortness of breath".

more like getting-chubby-already-lazy SD decided to do something other than sit and play on her phone for hours on end. shes probably exhausted! physical activity is not on her radar.

any bets that this will be her start and end to her track career??

Ninji's picture

LOL certainly sound like she's not destined to be a runner.

Funny because we are having a "discussion" about SD and track right now. SD11's school has the Hershey track and field day once a year. That day is this Saturday. Well, I just bought SO a boat and we are supposed to take it out this Saturday for the first time. SD is upset that she has to miss the track and field day. She ran in it last year and placed last in every event. And she hasn't ran at all since last year. Kids think everything has to be about them.

JustAgirl42's picture


May I ask what the 'Hershey Track and Field Day' is? I'm from there but have never heard of it...

Glassslipper's picture

LMAO, She starts track yesterday and they are already complaining of shortness of breath.
That's funny, did they forget you have to build up stamina. LOL, conditioning? does any of this occur to them.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

REALLY?! A doctor's appointment for "shortness of breath"? Sorry...but I'm over here laughing my arse off right now!! I find myself short of breath on a daily basis when I kill and awesome workout! If I weren't short of breath, I would feel like I'm cheating myself! If you are pushing yourself to limit, you will be out of breath. My guess is that SD have a very short limit!

Shortness of breath...I'm sorry...still laughing! Obviously, the girl did not understand what going out for track really meant! {{{still laughing}}} I really hope that doctor tells BM like it is...the diagnosis is...SHE IS AN OUT OF SHAPE TEENAGER...GET HER OFF HER ARSE! But, no, BM will probably say that track is just too much for the poor girl...that the doctor says it is mild asthma or something (which won't be true, but hell, will give SD something to use to wimp out on everything). News flash...I'm an asthmatic. I played basketball, played softball, ran track...just gotta keep my rescue inhaler close.

Best thing anyone can do for the girl is make her stick to it! It will get easier the more she works out. Right now, her lungs and heart are weak from being lazy!!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I snorted so hard reading this that I think I blew air up through my brain and out my ears!!! Bwahahahaha......!!

The only thing funnier would be if SD was still complaining of shortness of breath the NEXT DAY after practice. Clearly enough time to cool down! OMG


~ Moon

Monchichi's picture

:jawdrop: so if I smoke a whole packet of camel and I am short of breath I should go to the Dr.

Calypso1977's picture

so they ended up diagnosing her with asthma. i dont believe it. she of course went do a doc of BM's choosing (although my fiance did agree to this doc as her primary).

she's played lacrosse for several years, never had this issue. then again, fiance told me she doesnt do anything and just stands around waiting for the ball to come to her. lol

no word yet on whether she quits track, but im sure it wont be long before she does...

CantKeepDoingThis's picture I get a cookie for calling the asthma diagnosis? I swear...seriously? If she is only now short of breath, it ain't asthma! Both BD24 and I have asthma. A little shortness of breath while exercising is not asthma! If she were a true asthmatic, she would have had symptoms well before now! Any common cold would turn into at least bronchitis, and sometimes even pneumonia. If she had any kind of allergy, that could make her go into attack. Of course, it is one of those things that is getting overly diagnosed these know...with all the new medications on the market. I swear doctors are in bed with the pharmaceuticals, which is why I don't trust them as far as I could throw them! I refuse to use the new meds...sorry, when the warnings say, "May increase the risk of asthma related death"...I'll stick to my albuterol inhalers.

I bet the girl uses it as a crutch now..."*cough cough* I have asthma. I can't do that!" Truth is, asthma doesn't keep you from sports...even if she really had asthma! I was in plenty of sports. I work out hard 2 times a day (morning and evening)...cardio, kickboxing, dance, weight training. One of my fellow trainers is also an asthmatic, and he trains hard, too.

I feel bad for your fiance. This diagnosis is going to hit him in the wallet if he has to pay 50% of med. The prescriptions aren't cheap. Even with insurance, you often get stuck paying the higher co-pay for these meds, and I can easily see the girl going through inhalers like crazy because she will be playing it up. Next think you know, she will probably be getting headaches and the shakes for oding on asthma meds she doesn't need!